Table of Contents



ACT (Archive Comparison Test), 25
adaptive compression, 76-77, 527. See also adaptive Huffman coding
dictionary-based compression, 203-207
example (QIC-122), 204-207
with graphic files, 325-326
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM), 319, 527
adaptive Huffman coding, 77-112
algorithm for, 82
code for, 88-89, 101-112
compression program, 91, 101-112
EncodeSymbol routine, 92-95
escape code in, 83-84
expand program, 91-92, 101
incoming symbols, 100-101
initialization of array, 89-90
overflow problem with, 84-87
rescaling, benefit of, 87-88
swapping in, 81, 96-97
symbols not used, coding space for, 82-83
updating tree in, 77-80, 95-100
adaptive modeling, 18-20, 155-162, 527. See also
adaptive compression; adaptive Huffman coding
compression in, 19
decompression in, 19
ADC. See analog-to-digital converter
AddFileListToArchive() routine (CARMAN), 399-400
Add files command (CARMAN), 382-383
AddString() routine (LZSS), 235-238
Adobe, 213
ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation), 319, 527
affine functions, 462-463
affine maps, 476-477
AHUFF.C, 101-112
statistics for, 512-514
alphabets, 527
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 3
analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 292-295, 311, 312
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 3
ANSI C, 3-6
prototyping in, 43-44
Apple, 213-214, 298
ARC (compression program), 24, 209, 210, 528
Archive Comparison Test (ACT), 25
archives, 527
ARITH.C, 123, 136-152
statistics for, 512-514
ARITH-1.C., 156-162
code for, 156-158
escape code as fallback with, 159-161
improvements to, 161-162
ARITH-N.C, 163-200
code for, 172-200
escape possibilities, 164-165
flush code for, 170
memory and implementation of, 170
order(-1) table for, 169
order(-2) table for, 169-170
potential improvements to, 171
redesign of data structures for, 166-169
scoreboarding with, 165-166
statistics for, 512-514
updating ARITH-1.C. for, 163-164
arithmetic coding, 16-17, 114-152, 528
code for, 123, 136-152
compression program, 124-125, 136-152
decoding process in, 116-117, 121-122, 133-136
encoding process in, 114-116, 120-121, 130-133
expansion program, 125-126
floating-point math with, 118
flushing encoder in, 133
Huffman coding, advantages over, 113-114, 122-123
of encoder, 130
of model, 126-130
integer registers, using, 118-120
output from, 114
totals[] array, building, 130
underflow, handling, 120-121
ARJ (compression program), 24, 209, 210, 299-302, 381, 528
Association for Shareware Professionals (ASP), 534-535
AT&T, 290
audio, digital. See digital audio
average_boundaries() function (FRAC.C), 477


Barnsley, Michael, 458-459, 462
BITIO.C, 35-43
BITIO.H, 36-38
black cube, 298
block coding, 528
“blocky” images, 469
Boss, Roger, 458, 510
BuildFileList() routine (CARMAN), 393-394
build_model() routine (arithmetic coding), 124, 127-128
build_totals() routine (arithmetic coding), 130
build_tree() (HUFF.C), 58


C (programming language)
issues in writing portable, 3-7
reasons for using, 2-3
versions of, 3
CAR files, 382
structure of, 384
CARMAN, 381-455
archive files, opening, 396-398
CAR files in, 382, 384
code, 408-455
command-line processing in, 390-392
command set, 382-383
file list, generating, 392-396
headers, 384-390
CRC, header, 388-390
storing, 385-388
main processing loop of, 399-408
extraction, file, 406-408
input file, skipping/copying, 404-405
insertion, file, 405-406
workspace cleanup, 408
CCITT (Consultive Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone), 22, 326, 528
Central Point Software, 210
CHEETAH.GS, 340, 375-379
CHURN.C, 517-526
classify_domains() function (FRAC.C), 474-475
Cleary, John, 162
codecs, 312-314
codes, 528
coding, 15-17, 528
adaptive, 76-77
modeling vs., 12-13
Collage Theorem, 462
color images, 344-345
fractal compression of, 461
COMPACT (compression program), 23, 529
COMPAND.C, 314-318
companding, 310-318
code, 314-318
codecs with, 312-314
and linear conversion, 311-312
and minimum resolution, 310-311
compilers, 4
COMPRESS (compression program), 23, 208, 529
and LZW, 262
compressed archive files, 381-382
compress_init() function (FRAC.C), 473-474
compression, lossy vs. lossless, 11-12
compression algorithms
adaptive Huffman coding, 91, 101-112
arithmetic coding, 124-125, 136-152
DCT.C, 346-348
fractal compression, 461-467, 472
LZ77, 216-218
LZSS, 227, 231-242
AddString() routine, 235-238
DeleteString() routine, 238-240
exit code, 235
initialization, 232-233
main loop, 233-235
support routines, binary tree, 240-242
LZW, 262-263, 270-271
compression ratios, 7, 529
compress_range() function (FRAC.C), 475-476
Compton’s, 213
Compuserve Information Service, 24, 210
constants, in LZSS, 228-229
Consultive Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT), 22, 326, 528
Contractive Mapping theorem, 460
ContractNode() routine (LZSS), 240-241
convert_int_to_symbol() routine
arithmetic coding, 124-125, 131, 135-136
statistical modeling, 160-161
Cosine Transform Matrix, 333-335
count_bytes() routine
arithmetic coding, 128
HUFF.C, 56
CPT (compression program), 25
CPU, and arithmetic coding, 16, 17
Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC), 529


DAC. See digital-to-analog converter
data structures, in highest-order modeling, 166-169
DCLZ, 211
DCT. See Discrete Cosine Transform
DCT.C, 345-370
code for, 357-370
compression module, 346-348
expansion algorithm, 353-354
forward DCT routine, 349-350
initialization of, 348-349
input codes, 355-356
OutputCode() routine, 351-353
ReadDCTData() routine, 354-355
WriteDCTData() routine, 350-351
decode_string() routine (LZW), 272-273
DecodeSymbol routine (adaptive Huffman coding), 91
decompression algorithms
adaptive Huffman coding, 91-92, 101
arithmetic coding, 125-126
DCT.C, 353-354
fractal images, 467-469, 477
LZ77, 218-219
LZSS, 242-244
potential improvements to, 243-244
LZW, 264-270, 271-273
implementation, 267
tree maintenance and navigation, 268-270
undefined code, problem with, 266-267
Delete files command (CARMAN), 383
DeleteString() routine (LZSS), 238-240
dictionaries, 530
dictionary-based compression, 20, 201-214
adaptive methods with, 203-207
example (QIC-122), 204-207
ARC, 209
COMPRESS (program), 208
example of, 201-202
general-purpose programs, 210-211
with graphics files, 322-323
hardware-specific programs, 211-212
history of, 207-208
patented software, 212-214
static dictionaries, 202-203
differentiation modulation, 324-325
digital audio
low-pass filters in, 293-294
PC-based sound, 297-299
and range of hearing, 290
replay of sound, 293
and sampling, 291-292, 294-297
waveforms, 290-291
Digital Signal Processor (DSP), 22
digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 293, 295, 297, 311-312
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), 22-23, 327-331, 529
code, 357-370
and entropy encoding, 343-344
implementing, 332-333
matrix multiplication, 333-335
inverse, 330, 356-357
output of, 335-336
and quantization, 337-340
sample program, utilizing, 345-370
compression module, 346-348
expansion algorithm, 353-354
forward DCT routine, 349-350
initialization, 348-349
input DCT codes, 355-356
input format, 346
Inverse DCT, 356-357
OutputCode() routine, 351-352
ReadDCTData() routine, 354-355
WriteDCTData() routine, 350-351
two-dimensional, 330
usefulness of, 331-332
and zig-zag sequence, 341-343
Discrete Fourier Transform, 335
Disk Doubler, 211
DOS, compression programs in, 23-24
Dr. Dobb’s Journal, 7
DSP. See Digital Signal Processor


8-bit characters, 4
encode_ symbol() routine
adaptive Huffman coding, 91-95
arithmetic coding, 131
encoding, 528
entropy, 13-14, 530
entropy encoding, 343-344
ERRHAND.C, 53-54
errors, quantization, 295
escape codes, 530
adaptive Huffman coding, 83-84
ARITH-1.C., 159-161
ARITH-N.C, 164-165
expansion algorithms. See decompression algorithms
Extract() routine (CARMAN), 405-408


Fano, R. M., 27
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 22, 327-329
Fibonacci function, 84-85
FIF (Fractal Image Format), 459
filters, low-pass, 293-294
find_map() function (FRAC.C), 476-477
FindNextNode() routine (LZSS), 241-242
finite-context modeling, 154
first pass, 155
Fisher, Yuval, 458, 510
floating-point math, with arithmetic coding, 118
flush_arithmetic_encoder() routine (arithmetic coding), 133
flushing, with highest-order modeling, 170
Forward DCT() routine, 349-350
FRAC.C, 471-505
classify_domains() function of, 474-475
code, 477-505
compress_init() function, 473-474
compression results, 506-509
compress_range() function of, 475-476
find_map() function of, 476-477
main compression module, 472-473
traverse_image() function of, 477
fractal image compression, 457-458
decoding, 467-469
history of, 457-459
iterated function systems, 459-463
image compression with, 461-467
mathematics of, 460-461
partitioned iterated function systems, 463-467
patent concerns, 509-510
and resolution independence, 469-471
sample program, 471-509
code, 477-505
decompression module, 477
domain classification in, 474-475
image partitioning in, 475-476
initialization function, 473-474
main compression module, 472-473
optimal affine maps, finding, 476-477
results, compression, 506-509
Fractal Image Format (FIF), 459
FractInt program, 458
freeware, 298-299, 530
function body, 6-7
function declarations, parameters in, 43-44
function prototypes, 4-6


G.721 algorithm, 318-319
ghost buffers, 244
Gibb’s phenomenon, 457
GIF format, 210, 212-213
Gilchrist, Jeff, 25
global variables, in LZSS, 229-231
Graphical User Interface (GUI), 321
graphics compression
fractal compression. See Fractal image compression
lossy. See Lossy graphics compression
Group 3 FAX, 530
GS.C, 346
code, 370-372
GSDIFF.C, 372-375, 466-467
GUI (Graphical User Interface), 321


hard disk, and dictionary-based compression, 211
hashing function (LZW), 268-269
header CRC, 388-390
headers, in CARMAN, 384-390
hearing, range of, 290
Hewlett-Packard, 211
higher-order modeling, 153-154
highest-order modeling, 162-170
escape possibilities, 164-165
flush code for, 170
memory and implementation of, 170
order(-1) and (-2) tables for, 169-170
and redesign of data structures, 166-169
scoreboarding with, 165-166
updating ARITH-1.C. code for, 163-164
code, 60-73
command lines for, 74
statistics for, 512-514
HUFF-E, command lines for, 74
Huffman, D. A., 15, 16, 531
Huffman coding, 15, 54, 530-531. See also Adaptive Huffman coding
advantages of arithmetic coding over, 122-123
arithmetic coding vs., 16-17
BITIO.C as illustration of, 35-43
difficulties with, 113-114
model of, 12-13
probability table in, 75-76
Shannon-Fano coding vs., 34-35
Huffman table, 18
Huffman tree, 18
algorithm for building, 31-35
building, 55-58
counts, saving, 56-57
symbols, counting, 56
using, 59-60
Hutchinson, J., 458


IBM, 213-214, 297
IDCT (Inverse DCT), 329-330, 356-357
IFS. See Iterated Function Systems
information theory, 13-15, 27, 531
adaptive Huffman coding, 89-90
arithmetic coding, 126-130
DCT.C, 348-349
Discrete Cosine Transform, 348-349
fractal image compression, 473-474
LZSS, 232-233
initialize_model() routine (adaptive Huffman coding), 76
InitializeTree(tree) (adaptive Huffman coding), 90
InitTree() (LZSS), 233
input_counts() (HUFF.C), 57
integer registers, with arithmetic coding, 118-120
Intel, 298
International Standards Organization (ISO), 22, 326, 338, 531
International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), 528
Internet, 25, 298
Inverse DCT (IDCT), 329-330, 356-357
ISO. See International Standards Organization
Iterated Function Systems (IFS), 459-467. See also Partitioned Iterated Function Systems
image compression with, 461-467
mathematics of, 460-461
Iterated Systems, Inc., 458, 509-510


Jacobs, Bill, 458, 510
Jacquin, Arnaud, 458
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 22, 23, 326, 531. See also JPEG standard
JPEG. See Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG standard, 326-345
coding, 340-345
compression algorithm, 327
Discrete Cosine Transform with, 327-340
drawbacks of, 457
Jung, Robert, 209


Katz, Phil, 24
K&R C, 3-7


Lau, Raymond, 25
League for Programming Freedom, 213
Lehman, Bruce, 214
Lempel, Abraham, 21, 207, 532, 536
LHArc (compression program), 24, 209, 210, 531
library function calls, 3-4
LIFS (Local Iterated Function Systems), 459
Linear Predictive Coding (LPC), 319, 532
LISAW.GS, 464-471
List files command (CARMAN), 383
Local Iterated Function Systems (LIFS), 459
lossless compression, 11-12, 532
of sound, 299-302
lossy compression (generally), 11, 22-23, 532
of sound, 302-303
lossy graphics compression, 321-379
and adaptive coding, 325-326
and differential modulation, 324-325
JPEG standard for, 326-345
coding, 340-345
compression algorithm, 327
Discrete Cosine Transform with, 327-340
and quantization, 337-340
results, analysis of, 375-379
sample program, 345-370
code, 357-370
compression module, 346-348
expansion algorithm, 353-354
forward DCT routine, 349-350
initialization, 348-349
input DCT codes, 355-356
input format, 346
Inverse DCT, 356-357
OutputCode() routine, 351-352
ReadDCTData() routine, 354-355
WriteDCTData() routine, 350-351
statistical and dictionary compression vs., 322-323
support programs, 370
GS.C, 370-372
GSDIFF.C, 372-375
low-pass filters, 293-294
LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), 319, 532
LZ77, 21, 207-208, 209, 215-221, 532
compression algorithm, 216-218
decompression algorithm, 218-219
as “greedy” algorithm, 226
inefficiency of, 221
limitations of, 255
LZ78 vs., 256-257
LZSS vs., 262
problems with, 220-221
and QIC-122, 205
text window in, 215-216
LZ78, 21-22, 207-208, 209, 255-262, 287-288, 532. See also LZW
functioning of, 257-260
implementation of, 260-262
LZ77 vs., 256-257
tree in, 260-261
LZSS, 221-253, 532
and ARJ 2.10, 300-301
balanced trees, maintaining, 225-226
binary tree in, 230-231
and CARMAN, 383, 405
code for, 244-253
compression program, 227, 231-242
AddString() routine, 235-238
DeleteString() routine (LZSS), 238-240
exit code, 235
initialization, 232-233
main loop, 233-235
support routines, binary tree, 240-242
constants in, 228
data structures in, 222-225
expansion program, 242-244
potential improvements to, 243-244
global variables in, 229-231
as “greedy” algorithm, 226-226
LZ77 vs., 262
macros in, 228-229
text window in, 221-222
LZSS.C, 244-253
statistics for, 512-514
LZW, 208, 210, 212, 213, 262-288, 532
code, 273-278
compression program, 262-263, 270-271
decompression program, 264-270, 271-273
and LZW implementation, 267
tree maintenance and navigation, 268-270
undefined code, problem with, 266-267
LZW15V.C as improvement of, 279
patent concerns, 287-288
code, 273-278
decompression routine in, 271-273
hashing function of, 268-269
“special” nodes in, 270
statistics for, 512-514
code, 280-287
as improvement over LZW, 279
statistics for, 512-514


Macintosh, compression programs for, 24-25
macros, in LZSS, 228-229
MAIN-C.C, 45-50
MAIN-E.C, 50-53
MAIN.H, 45-46
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 457, 458
Mandelbrot set, 457-458
MassageMSDOSFileName() routine (CARMAN), 394-396
measurement of compression, 7
Microcom Corp., 210
Microsoft, 211, 213
MNP-5, 210
modeling, 17-18. See also adaptive modeling; highest-order modeling; Statistical modeling
coding vs., 12-13
finite-context, 154
higher-order, 153-154
models, 532
static, 535
modulation, differentiation, 324-325
Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), 22, 23, 532-533
MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group), 22, 23, 532-533
MS-DOS, CARMAN with, 392-396


NeXT Computer, 298
nodes[] array, 88-89
Nyquist, Harry, 295
Nyquist Rate, 295, 533


on-line services, 298
OpenArchiveFiles() command, 397-398
Oracle, 213
order-0 modeling, 154
order(-1) table (ARITH-N.C), 169
order(-2) table (ARITH-N.C), 169
order (of model), 533
OutputBits routine (adaptive Huffman coding), 93
OutputCode() routine (DCT.C), 351-353
output_counts() routine
arithmetic coding, 129
HUFF.C, 57
overflow, in adaptive Huffman coding, 84-87


p x 64, 533-534
P6 processor (Intel), 298
parameters, in function declarations, 43-44
ParseArguments() routine (CARMAN), 390-391
Partitioned Iterated Function Systems (PIFS), 458, 467, 509
compression with, 463-467
patent concerns
dictionary-based compression programs, 212-214
fractal image compression, 509-510
LZW algorithm, 287-288
PC Backup, 210
PC-based sound, 297-299
PCX format, 322
phrases, 533
PIFS. See Partitioned Iterated Function Systems
PKWare, 24
PKZ204.EXE, 24
PKZIP, 24, 209, 210, 381, 533
PNG format, 209, 213
Print files command (CARMAN), 383
probability table (Huffman coding), 75-76
prototypes, 43-44
pseudocode, 2


QIC-122, 205-207, 211, 212
quality factor, 345
quantization, 337-340
errors in, 295
matrix for, 338-340


Radford, Neal, 161
ReadDCTData() routine, 354-355
redundancy, 13
redundant information, 13
refine_image() function (FRAC.C), 477
Replace files command (CARMAN), 383
rescaling, in adaptive Huffman coding, 87-88
resolution independence, 469-471
RLE (Run-Length Encoding), 341, 534
root mean square (RMS), 346, 466-467, 507
Run-Length Encoding (RLE), 341, 534


SAMPLE-3.RAW., 301
sampling, 291-292
of variables, 294-297
scale_counts() routine (arithmetic coding), 128-129
scoreboarding, with highest-order modeling, 165-166
second pass, 155
Shannon, Claude, 13, 14, 27, 202, 534
Shannon-Fano coding, 15, 27-29, 534
Huffman coding vs., 34-35
Shannon-Fano tree, 28-29, 32
algorithm for building, 29-31
shareware, 298-299, 534-535
SILENCE.C, 305-309
silence compression, 303-310
code, 305-309
effectiveness of, 310
16-bit machines, 4
sliding window compression. See LZ77; LZSS
Sloan, Alan, 458-459
Sound Blaster, 298
speech compression, 289-319
ADPCM algorithm, 319
companding, 310-318
code, 314-318
codecs with, 312-314
linear conversion with, 311-312
and minimum resolution, 310-311
and digital audio, 289-299
low-pass filters, 293-294
PC-based sound, 297-299
range of hearing, 290
replay, 293
sampling, 291-292
variables, sampling, 294-297
waveforms, 290-291
G.721 algorithm, 318-319
Linear Predictive Coding, 319
lossless compression, 299-302
lossy compression, 302-303
silence compression, 303-310
code, 305-309
effectiveness of, 310
SQ program, 23, 535
Stac Electronics, 204-205, 210, 211, 213
Stacker, 211
static dictionary-based compression, 20, 202-203
static models, 535
statistical modeling, 14, 18-20, 153-200
and adaptive compression, 155-162
escape code as fallback, using, 159-161
example (ARITH-1.C.), 156-158
improvements to, 161-162
and finite-context modeling, 154
with graphics files, 322
and higher-order modeling, 153-154
highest-order modeling (ARITH-N.C), 162-170
code, 172-200
data structures, redesign of, 166-169
escape probabilities, 164-165
flush code for, 170
implementation, memory and, 170
order(-1) table for, 169
order(-2) table for, 169-170
scoreboarding with, 165-166
updating ARITH-1.C for, 163-164
potential improvements to, 171
statistics, compression, 7, 511-515
__STDC__ macro, 74
StuffIt (compression program), 25
swap_nodes() routine (adaptive Huffman coding), 82
swapping, in adaptive Huffman coding, 81, 96-97
switching equipment, 290
symbols, 535


TAR, 24, 535-536
Test files command (CARMAN), 383
test program (CHURN.C), 517-526
text windows
LZ77, 215-216
LZSS, 221-222
32-bit machines, 4
time domain representation, 328
tokens, 536
traverse_image() function (FRAC.C), 477
tree(s). See also Huffman tree
in LZ78, 260-261
in LZSS, 225-226, 230-231
in LZW, 268-270
updating, in adaptive Huffman coding, 77-80, 95-100


underflow, 120-121, 132-133
Unisys, 209, 212, 287
CARMAN with, 392-393
compression programs in, 23
dictionary-based compression with, 208, 209
update exclusion, 163-164
UpdateModel() routine (adaptive Huffman coding), 76, 77, 91-92
U.S. Patent Office, 213-214
utility programs, 298-299


V.4bis, 212
V.42bis, 211
variables, sampling, 294-297
vector quantization, 457, 463-467
VGA display, 321, 346


waveforms, 290-291
Welch, Terry, 208, 209, 212, 287, 536
WinZIP, 24
Witten, Ian H., 161
World-Wide Web, 298
WriteDCTData() routine, 350-351
WriteFileHeader() routine (CARMAN), 388


Xtract files command (CARMAN), 383


Yoshizaki, Haruyasu, 24, 209


zig-zag sequence, 341-343
ZIP files, 24, 25
ZipIt V1.2, 25
Ziv, Jacob, 21, 207, 532, 536

Table of Contents