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In MAIN-C.C, a compression module supplies three things: a Usage string, which can print out a list of parameters, etc.; a CompressionName string, which lets the MAIN-C.C program print out the compression method; and a CompressFile() routine, which actually compresses the file. In this chapter, these routines are in a file called HUFF.C, which implements an order 0 model with a Huffman coder. MAIN-C.C is shown below.

/*********************** Start of MAIN-C.C **********************/
* This is the driver program used when testing compression algorithms.
* In order to cut back on repetitive code, this version of main is
* used with all of the compression routines.  In order to turn it into
* a real program, it needs to have another module that supplies one
* routine and two strings, namely:
*    void CompressFile( FILE *input, BIT_FILE *output,
*                        int argc, char *argv );
*    char *Usage;
*    char *CompressionName;
* The main() routine supplied here has the job of checking for valid
* input and output files, opening them, and then calling the
* compression routine.  If the files are not present, or no arguments
* are supplied, it prints out an error message, which includes the
* Usage string supplied by the compression module.  All of the
* routines and strings needed by this routine are defined in the
* main.h header file.
* After this is built into a compression program of any sort, the
* program can be called like this:
*    main-c infile outfile [ options ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bitio.h"
#include "errhand.h"
#include "main.h"
#ifdef ___STDC___

void usage_exit( char *prog_name );
void print_ratios( char *input, char *output );
long file_size( char *name );


void usage_exit();
void print_ratios();
long file_size();


int main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
     BIT_FILE *ouput;
     FILE *input;

     setbuf( stdout, NULL );
     if ( argc < 3 )
          usage_exit( argv[ 0 ] );
     input = fopen(argv [ 1 ], "rb" );
     if ( input == NULL )
          fatal_error( "Error opening %s for input/n", argv[ 1 ] );
     output = OpenOutputBitFile( argv[ 2 ] );
     if ( output == NULL )
          fatal error( "Error opening %s for input/n", argv[ 2 ] );
     printf( "\nCompressing %s to %s\n", argv[ 1 ], argv[ 2 ] );
     printf( "Using %s\n, CompressionName );
     argc -= 3;
     argv += 3;
     CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv );
     CloseOutputBitFile( output );
     fclose( input );
     print_ratios( argv[ 1 ], argv[ 2 ] );
     return( 0 );

* This routine just wants to print out the usage message that is
* called for when the program is run with no parameters.  The first
* part of the Usage statement is supposed to be just the program
* name. argv[ 0 ] generally holds the fully qualified path name
* of the program being run.  I make a half-hearted attempt to strip
* out that path info and file extension before printing it.  It should
* get the general idea across.
void usage_exit( prog_name )
char *prog_name;
     char *short_name;
     char *extension;

     short_name = strrchr( prog_name, '\\' );
     if (short_name == NULL )
          short_name = strrchr( prog_name, '/' );
     if (short_name == NULL )
          short_name = strrchr( prog_name, ':' );
     if (short_name != NULL )
          short_name = prog_name;
     extension = strrchr( short_name, '.' );
     if ( extension != NULL )
          *extension = '\0';
     printf( "\nUsage: %s %s\n", short_name, Usage );
     exit( 0 );

* This routine is used by main to get the size of a file after it has
* been closed.  It does all the work, and returns a long.  The main
* program gets the file size for the plain text, and the size of the
* compressed file, and prints the ratio.
#ifndef SEEK_END
#define SEEK_END 2

long file_size( name )
char *name;
     long eof ftell;
     FILE *file;

     file = fopen( name, "r");
     if ( file == NULL )
          return( OL );
     fseek( file, OL, SEEK_END );
     eof_ftell = ftell( file );
     fclose( file );
     return( eof_ftell );

* This routine prints out the compression ratios after the input and
* output files have been closed.
void print_ratios( input, output )
char *input;
char *output;
     long input_size;
     long output_size;
     int ratio;
     input_size = file_size( input );
     if ( input_size == 0 )
         input_size = 1;
     output_size = file_size * 100L / input_size );
     ratio = 100 - (int) ( output_size * 100L / input_size );
     printf( "\nInput bytes:        %ld\n", input_size );
     printf( "Output bytes:      %ld/n", output_size );
     if ( output_size == 0 )
         output_size = 1;
     printf( "Compression ratio:  %d%%\n", ratio );

/*********************** End of MAIN-C.C *************************/

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