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Arithmetic coding seems more complicated than Huffman coding, but the size of the program required to implement it is not significantly different. Runtime performance is significantly slower than Huffman coding, however, due to the computational burden imposed on the encoder and decoder. If squeezing the last bit of compression capability out of the coder is important, arithmetic coding will always do as good a job or better, than Huffman coding. But careful optimization is needed to get performance up to acceptable levels.


/************************** Start of ARITH.C **************************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "errhand.h"
#include "bitio.h"

* The SYMBOL structure is what is used to define a symbol in
* arithmetic coding terms. A symbol is defined as a range between
* 0 and 1.  Since we are using integer math, instead of using 0 and 1
* as our end points, we have an integer scale.  The low_count and
* high_count define where the symbol falls in the range.

typedef struct {
  unsigned short int low_count;
  unsigned short int high_count;
  unsigned short int scale;

* Internal function prototypes, with or without ANSI prototypes.

#ifdef __STDC__

void build_model( FILE *input, FILE *output );
void scale_counts( unsigned long counts[],
                   unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void build_totals( unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void count_bytes( FILE *input, unsigned long counts[] );
void output_counts( FILE *output, unsigned char scaled_counts[] );
void input_counts( FILE *stream );
void convert_int_to_symbol( int symbol, SYMBOL *s );
void get_symbol_scale( SYMBOL *s );
int convert_symbol_to_int( int count, SYMBOL *s );
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder( void );
void encode_symbol( BIT_FILE *stream, SYMBOL *s );
void flush_arithmetic_encoder( BIT_FILE *stream );
short int get_curret_count( SYMBOL *s );
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder( BIT_FILE *stream ):
void remove_symbol_from_stream( BIT_FILE *stream, SYMBOL * s );

void build_model();
void scale_counts();
void build_totals();
void count_bytes();
void output_counts();
void input_counts();
void convert_int_to_symbol();
void get_symbol_scale();
int convert_symbol_to_int();
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder();
void encode_symbol();
void flush_arithmetic_encoder();
short int get_current_count();
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder();
void remove_symbol_from_stream();


#define END_OF_STREAM 256
short int totals[ 258 ];       /* The cumulative totals */

char *CompressionName = "Adaptive order 0 model with arithmetic coding";
char *Usage           = "in-file out-file\n\n\";

* This compress file routine is a fairly orthodox compress routine.
* It first gathers statistics, and initializes the arithmetic
* encoder.  It then encodes all the characters in the file, followed
* by the EOF character.  The output stream is then flushed, and we
* exit.  Note that an extra two bytes are output.  When decoding an
* arithmetic stream, we have to read in extra bits.  The decoding process
* takes place in the msb of the low and high range ints, so when we are
* decoding our last bit we will still have to have at least 15 junk
* bits loaded into the registers.  The extra two bytes account for
* that.

void CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv )
FILE * input;
BIT_FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
     int c;
     SYMBOL s;

     build_model( input, output->file );

     while ( ( c = getc( input ) ) != EOF ) {
        convert_int_to_symbol( c, &s );
        encode_symbol( output, &s );
     convert_int_to_symbol( END_OF_STREAM, &s );
     encode_symbol( output, &s );
     flush_arithmetic_encoder( output );
     OutputBits( output, 0L, 16 );
     while ( argc–– > 0 ) {
       printf( "Unused argument: %s\n", *argv );

* This expand routine is also very conventional.  It reads in the
* model, initializes the decoder, then sits in a loop reading in
* characters.  When we decode an END_OF_STREAM, it means we can close
* up the files and exit.  Note decoding a single character is a three
* step process: first we determine what the scale is for the current
* symbol by looking at the difference between the high and low values.
* We then see where the current input values fall in that range.
* Finally, we look in our totals array to find out what symbol is
* a match. After that is done, we still have to remove that symbol
* from the decoder.  Lots of work.

void ExpandFile( input, output, argc, argv )
BIT_FILE *input;
FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
     SYMBOL s;
     int c;
     int count;

     input_counts( input->file );
     initialize_arithmetic_decoder( input );
     for ( ; ; ) {
       get_symbol_scale( &s );
       count = get_current_count( &s );
       c = convert_symbol_to_int( count, &s );
       if ( c == END_OF_STREAM )
       remove_symbol_from_stream( input, &s );
       putc( (char) c, output ):
     while ( argc–– > 0 ) {
       printf( "Unused argument:  %s\n", *argv );

* This is the routine that is called to scan the input file, scale
* the counts, build the totals array, the output the scaled counts
* to the output file.

void build_model( input, output )
FILE *input;
FILE *output;
     unsigned long counts[ 256 ];
     unsigned char scaled_counts[ 256 ];
     count_bytes( input, counts );
     scale_counts( counts, scaled_counts );
     output_counts( output, scaled_counts );
     build_totals( scaled_counts );

* This routine runs through the file and counts the appearances of
* each character.
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0

void count_bytes( input, counts )
FILE *input;
unsigned long counts[];
     long input_maker;
     int i;
     int c;

     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256; i++ )
       counts[ i ] = 0;
     input_marker = ftell( input );
     while ( ( c = getc( input ) ) != EOF )
       counts[ c ]++;
     fseek( input, input_marker, SEEK_SET );

* This routine is called to scale the counts down. There are two
* types of scaling that must be done. First, the counts need to be
* scaled down so that the individual counts fit into a single unsigned
* char.  Then, the counts need to be rescaled so that the total of all
* counts is less than 16384.

void scale_counts( counts, scaled_counts )
unsigned long counts[];
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
     int i;
     unsigned long max_count;
     unsigned int total;
     unsigned long scale;

* The first section of code makes sure each count fits into a single
* byte.

     max_count = 0;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
       if ( counts[ i ] > max_count )
         max_count = counts[ i ];
     scale = max_count / 256;
     scale = scale + 1;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ ) {
        scaled_counts[ i ] = (unsigned char ) ( counts[ i ] / scale );
        if ( scaled_counts[ i ] == 0 && counts[ i ] != 0 )
           scaled_counts[ i ] = 1;
* This next section makes sure the total is less than 16384.
* I initialize the total to 1 instead of 0 because there will be an
* additional 1 added in for the END_OF_STREAM symbol;
     total = 1;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
        total += scaled_counts[ i ];
     if ( total > ( 32767 - 256 ) )
        scale = 4;
     else if ( total > 16383 )
        scale = 2;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
       scaled_counts[ i ] /= scale;

* This routine is used by both the encoder and decoder to build the
* table of cumulative totals.  The counts for the characters in the
* file are in the counts array, and we know that there will be a
* single instance of the EOF symbol.
void build_totals( scaled_counts )
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
     int i;

     totals[ 0 ] = 0;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < END_OF_STREAM ; i++ )
       totals[ i + 1 ] = totals[ i ] + scaled_counts[ i ];
     totals[ END_OF_STREAM + 1 ] = totals[ END_OF_STREAM ] + 1;

* In order for the compressor to build the same model, I have to
* store the symbol counts in the compressed file so the expander can
* read them in.  In order to save space, I don't save all 256 symbols
* unconditionally.  The format used to store counts looks like this:
* start, stop, counts, start, stop, counts, … 0
* This means that I store runs of counts, until all the non-zero
* counts have been stored.  At this time the list is terminated by
* storing a start value of 0.  Note that at least 1 run of counts has
* to be stored, so even if the first start value is 0, I read it in.
* It also means that even in an empty file that has no counts, I have
* to pass at least one count.
* In order to efficiently use this format, I have to identify runs of
* non-zero counts.  Because of the format used, I don't want to stop a
* run because of just one or two zeros in the count stream.  So I have
* to sit in a loop looking for strings of three or more zero values
* in a row.
* This is simple in concept, but it ends up being one of the most
* complicated routines in the whole program.  A routine that just
* writes out 256 values without attempting to optimize would be much
* simpler, but would hurt compression quite a bit on small files.
void output_counts( output, scaled_counts )
FILE *output;
unsigned char scaled_counts[];
     int first;
     int last;
     int next;
     int i;

     first = 0;
     while ( first < 255 && scaled_counts[ first ] == 0 )
* Each time I hit the start of the loop, I assume that first is the
* number for a run of non-zero values.  The rest of the loop is
* concerned with finding the value for last, which is the end of the
* run, and the value of next, which is the start of the next run.
* At the end of the loop, I assign next to first, so it starts in on
* the next run.
     for ( ; first < 256 ; first = next ) {
       last = first + 1;
       for ( ; ; ) {
         for ( ; last < 256 ; last++ )
           if ( scaled_counts[ last ] == 0 )
         last ––;
         for ( next = last + 1; next < 256 ; next++ )
           if ( scaled_counts[ next ] != 0 )
         if ( next > 255 )
         if ( ( next - last ) > 3 )
         last = next;
* Here is where I output first, last, and all the counts in between.
        if ( putc( first, output ) != first )
          fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
        if ( putc( last, output ) != last )
          fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
        for ( i = first ; i <= last ; i++ ) {
          if ( putc( scaled_counts[ i ], output ) !=
            (int) scaled_counts[ i ] )
            fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );
     if ( putc( 0, output ) != 0 )
          fatal_error( "Error writing byte counts\n" );

* When expanding, I have to read in the same set of counts.  This is
* quite a bit easier that the process of writing them out, since no
* decision making needs to be done.  All I do is read in first, check
* to see if I am all done, and if not, read in last and a string of
* counts.

void input_counts( input )
FILE *input;
     int first;
     int last;
     int i;
     int c;
     unsigned char scaled_counts[ 256 ];
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
       scaled_counts[ i ] = 0;
     if ( ( first = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
       fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
     if ( ( last = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
       fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
     for ( ; ; ) {
       for ( i = first ; i <= last ; i++ )
         if ( ( c = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
           fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
            scaled_counts[ i ] = (unsigned int) c;
       if ( ( first = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
         fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
       if ( first == 0 )
       if ( ( last = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
         fatal_error( "Error reading byte counts\n" );
     build_totals( scaled_counts );

* Everything from here down defines the arithmetic coder section
* of the program.

* These four variables define the current state of the arithmetic
* coder/decoder.  They are assumed to be 16 bits long.  Note that
* by declaring them as short ints, they will actually be 16 bits
* on most 80X86 and 680X0 machines, as well as VAXen.
static unsigned short int code;/* The present input code value     */
static unsigned short int low; /* Start of the current code range  */
static unsigned short int high;/* End of the current code range    */
long underflow_bits:           /* Number of underflow bits pending */

* This routine must be called to initialize the encoding process.
* The high register is initialized to all 1s, and it is assumed that
* it has an infinite string of 1s to be shifted into the lower bit
* positions when needed.
void initialize_arithmetic_encoder() {
     low = 0;
     high = 0xffff;
     underflow_bits = 0;

* At the end of the encoding process, there are still significant
* bits left in the high and low registers.  We output two bits,
* plus as many underflow bits as are necessary.
void flush_arithmetic_encoder( stream )
BIT_FILE *stream;
     OutputBit( stream, low & 0x4000 );
     while ( underflow_bits–– > 0 )
       OutputBit( stream, ~low & 0x4000 );

* Finding the low count, high count, and scale for a symbol
* is really easy, because of the way the totals are stored.
* This is the one redeeming feature of the data structure used
* in this implementation.
void convert_int_to_symbol( c, s )
int c;
     s->scale = totals[ END_OF_STREAM + 1];
     s->low_count = totals[ c ];
     s->high_count = totals[ c + 1 ];

* Getting the scale for the current context is easy.
void get_symbol_scale( s )
     s->scale = totals[ END_OF_STREAM + 1 ];

* During decompression, we have to search through the table until
* we find the symbol that straddles the "count" parameter.  When
* it is found, it is returned.  The reason for also setting the
* high count and low count is so that symbol can be properly removed
* from the arithmetic coded input.
int convert_symbol_to_int( count, s )
int count;
     int c;
     for ( c = END_OF_STREAM ; count < totals[ c ] ; c–– )
     s->high_count = totals[ c + 1 ];
     s->low_count = totals[ c ];
     return( c );

* This routine is called to encode a symbol.  The symbol is passed
* in the SYMBOL structure as a low count, a high count, and a range,
* instead of the more conventional probability ranges.  The encoding
* process takes two steps.  First, the values of high and low are
* updated to take into account the range restriction created by the
* new symbol.  Then, as many bits as possible are shifted out to
* the output stream.  Finally, high and low are stable again and
* the routine returns.
void encode_symbol( stream, s )
BIT_FILE *stream;
  long range;
* These three lines rescale high and low for the new symbol.
     range = (long) ( high-low ) + 1;
     high = low + (unsigned short int)
                   (( range * s->high_count ) / s->scale - 1 );
     low = low + (unsigned short int)
                   (( range * s->low_count ) / s->scale );
* This loop turns out new bits until high and low are far enough
* apart to have stabilized.
     for ( ; ; ) {
* If this test passes, it means that the MSDigits match, and can
* be sent to the output stream.
     if ( ( high & 0x8000 ) == (  low & 0x8000 ) ) {
       OutputBit( stream, high & 0x8000 );
       while ( underflow_bits > 0 ) {
         OutputBit( stream, ~high & 0x8000 );
* If this test passes, the numbers are in danger of underflow, because
* the MSDigits don't match, and the 2nd digits are just one apart.
     else if ( ( low & 0x4000 ) && !( high & 0x4000 )) {
       underflow_bits += 1;
       low &= 0x3fff;
       high |= 0x4000;
     } else
       return ;
     low <<= 1;
     high <<= 1;
     high |= 1;

* When decoding, this routine is called to figure out which symbol
* is presently waiting to be decoded.  This routine expects to get
* the current model scale in the s->scale parameter, and it returns
* a count that corresponds to the present floating point code;
* code = count / s->scale
short int get_current_count( s )

     long range;
     short int count;

     range = (long) ( high - low ) + l;
     count = (short int)
             ((((long) ( code - low ) + 1 ) * s->scale-1 ) / range ) ;
     return( count );

* This routine is called to initialize the state of the arithmetic
* decoder.  This involves initializing the high and low registers
* to their conventional starting values, plus reading the first
* 16 bits from the input stream into the code value.
void initialize_arithmetic_decoder( stream )
BIT_FILE *stream;
     int i;
     code = 0;
     for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) {
       code <<= 1;
       code += InputBit( stream );
     low = 0;
     high = 0xffff;

* Just figuring out what the present symbol is doesn't remove
* it from the input bit stream.  After the character has been
* decoded, this routine has to be called to remove it from the
* input stream.
void remove_symbol_from_stream( stream, s )
BIT_FILE *stream;
     long range;

* First, the range is expanded to account for the symbol removal.
     range = (long)( high - low ) + l;
     high = low + (unsigned short int)
             (( range * s->high_count ) / s->scale - 1);
     low = low + (unsigned short int)
             (( range * s->low_count ) / s->scale );
* Next, any possible bits are shipped out.
     for ( ; ; ) {
* If the MSDigits match, the bits will be shifted out.
     if ( ( high & 0x8000 ) == ( low & 0x8000 ) ) {
* Else, if underflow is threatening, shift out the 2nd MSDigit.
     else if ((low & 0x4000) == 0x4000  && (high & 0x4000) == 0 ) {
       code ^= 0x4000;
       low &= 0x3ffff;
       high |= 0x4000;
     } else
* Otherwise, nothing can be shifted out, so I return.
     low <<= 1;
     high <<= 1;
     high |= 1;
     code <<= 1;
     code += InputBit( stream );
/*************************** End of ARITH.C ****************************/

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