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The Code

/*********************** Start of LZSS.C ***********************
* This is the LZSS module, which implements an LZ77 style compression
* algorithm. As implemented here it uses a 12 bit index into the sliding
* window, and a 4 bit length, which is adjusted to reflect phrase
* lengths of between 2 and 17 bytes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bitio.h"

* Various constants used to define the compression parameters. The
* INDEX_BIT_COUNT tells how many bits we allocate to indices into the
* text window. This directly determines the WINDOW_SIZE. The
* LENGTH_BIT_COUNT tells how many bits we allocate for the length of
* an encode phrase. This determines the size of the look-ahead buffer.
* The TREE_ROOT is a special node in the tree that always points to
* the root node of the binary phrase tree. END_OF_STREAM is a special
* index used to flag the fact that the file has been completely
* encoded, and there is no more data. UNUSED is the null index for
* the tree. MOD_WINDOW() is a macro used to perform arithmetic on tree
* indices.

#define INDEX_BIT_COUNT       12
#define LENGTH_BIT_COUNT      4
#define WINDOW_SIZE           ( 1 << INDEX_BIT_COUNT )
#define BREAK_EVEN            ( ( 1 + INDEX_BIT_COUNT +
                              LENGTH_BIT_COUNT ) / 9 )

#define TREE_ROOT             WINDOW_SIZE
#define END_OF_STREAM         0
#define UNUSED                0
#define MOD_WINDOW( a )       ( ( a ) & ( WINDOW_SIZE - 1 ) )

char *CompressionName = "LZSS Encoder";
char *Usage      = "in-file out-file\n\n";

* These are the two global data structures used in this program.
* The window[] array is exactly that, the window of previously seen
* text, as well as the current look-ahead text. The tree[] structure
* contains the binary tree of all of the strings in the window sorted
* in order.

unsigned char window WINDOW_SIZE ];

struct {
 int parent;
 int smaller_child;
 int larger_child;
} tree WINDOW_SIZE + 1 ];

* Function prototypes for both ANSI C compilers and their K&R brethren.

#ifdef __STDC__

void InitTree( int r );
void ContractNode( int old_node, int new_node );
void ReplaceNode( int old_node, int new_node );
int FindNextNode( int node );
void DeleteString( int p );
int AddString( int new_node, int *match_position );
void CompressFile( FILE *input, BIT_FILE *output,
                   int argc, char *argv[] );
void ExpandFile( BIT_FILE *input, FILE *output, int argc, char *argv[] );


void InitTree();
void ContractNode();
void ReplaceNode();
int FindNextNode();
void DeleteString();
int AddString();
void CompressFile();
void ExpandFile();


* Since the tree is static data, it comes up with every node
* initialized to 0, which is good, since 0 is the UNUSED code.
* However, to make the tree really usable, a single phrase has to be
* added to the tree so it has a root node. That is done right here.
void InitTree( r )
int r;
 tree[ TREE_ROOT ].larger_child = r;
 tree[ r ].parent = TREE_ROOT;
 tree[ r ].larger_child = UNUSED;
 tree[ r ].smaller_child = UNUSED;

* This routine is used when a node is being deleted. The link to
* its descendant is broken by pulling the descendant in to overlay
* the existing link.
void ContractNode( old_node, new_node )
int old_node;
int new_node;
 tree[ new_node ].parent = tree[ old_node ]. parent;
 if ( tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].larger_child == old_node )
  tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].larger_child = new_node;
  tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].smaller_child = new_node;
 tree[ old_node ].parent = UNUSED;

* This routine is also used when a node is being deleted. However,
* in this case, it is being replaced by a node that was not previously
* in the tree.
void ReplaceNode( old_node, new_node )
int old_node;
int new_node;
 int parent;

 parent = tree[ old_node ].parent;
 if ( tree[ parent ].smaller_child == old_node )
  tree[ parent ].smaller_child = new_node;
  tree[ parent ].larger_child = new_node;
 tree[ new_node ] = tree[ old_node ];
 tree[ tree[ new_node ].smaller_child ].parent = new_node;
 tree[ tree[ new_node ].larger_child ].parent = new_node;
 tree[ old_node ].parent = UNUSED;

* This routine is used to find the next smallest node after the node
* argument. It assumes that the node has a smaller child. We find
* the next smallest child by going to the smaller_child node, then
* going to the end of the larger_child descendant chain.
int FindNextNode( node )
int node;
 int next;

 next = tree[ node ].smaller_child;
 while ( tree[ next ].larger_child != UNUSED )
  next = tree[ next ].larger_child;
 return( next );

* This routine performs the classic binary tree deletion algorithm.
* If the node to be deleted has a null link in either direction, we
* just pull the non-null link up one to replace the existing link.
* If both links exist, we instead delete the next link in order, which
* is guaranteed to have a null link, then replace the node to be deleted
* with the next link.
void DeleteString( p )
int p;
 int replacement;

 if ( tree[ p ].parent == UNUSED )
 if ( tree[ p ].larger_child == UNUSED )
  ContractNode( p, tree[ p ].smaller_child );
 else if ( tree[ p ].smaller_child == UNUSED )
  ContractNode( p, tree[ p ].larger_child );
 else {
  replacement = FindNextNode( p );
  DeleteString( replacement );
  ReplaceNode( p, replacement );

* This where most of the work done by the encoder takes place. This
* routine is responsible for adding the new node to the binary tree.
* It also has to find the best match among all the existing nodes in
* the tree, and return that to the calling routine. To make matters
* even more complicated, if the new_node has a duplicate in the tree,
* the old_node is deleted, for reasons of efficiency.

int AddString( new_node, match_position )
int mew_node;
int *match_position;
 int i;
 int test_node;
 int delta;
 int match_length;
 int *child;

 if ( new_node == END_OF_STREAM )
  return( 0 );
 test_node = tree[ TREE_ROOT ].larger_child;
 match_length = 0;
 for ( ; ; ) {
  for ( i = 0 ; i < LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ; i++ ) {
     delta = window[ MOD_WINDOW( new_node + i ) ] -
         window[ MOD_WINDOW( test_node + i ) ];
     if ( delta != 0 )
  if ( i >= match_length ) {
   match_length = i;
   *match_position = test_node;
   if ( match_length >= LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ) {
    ReplaceNode( test_node, new_node );
    return( match_length );
  if ( delta >= 0 )
   child = &tree[ test_node ]. larger_child;
   child = &tree[ test_node ].smaller-child;
  if ( *child == UNUSED ) {
   *child = new_node;
   tree[ new_node ].parent = test_node;
   tree[ new_node ].larger_child = UNUSED;
   tree[ new_node ].smaller_child = UNUSED;
   return( match_length );
  test_node = *child;

* This is the compression routine. It has to first load up the look
* ahead buffer, then go into the main compression loop. The main loop
* decides whether to output a single character or an index/length
* token that defines a phrase. Once the character or phrase has been
* sent out, another loop has to run. The second loop reads in new
* characters, deletes the strings that are overwritten by the new
* character, then adds the strings that are created by the new
* character.

void CompressFile( input, output, argc, argv )
FILE *input;
BIT_FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
 int i;
 int c;
 int look_ahead_bytes;
 int current_position;
 int replace_count;
 int match_length;
 int match_position;

 current_position = 1;
 for ( i = 0 ; i < LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ; i++ ) {
  if ( ( c = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
  window[ current_position + i ] = (unsigned char) c;
 look_ahead_bytes = 1;
 InitTree( current_position );
 match_length = 0;
 match_position = 0;
 while ( look_ahead_bytes > 0 ) {
  if ( match_length > look_ahead_bytes )
   match_length = look_ahead_bytes;
  if ( match_length <= BREAK_EVEN ) {
   replace_count = 1;
   OutputBit( output, 1 );
   OutputBits( output,
        (unsigned long)window[ current_position ], 8 );
  } else {
   OutputBit( output, 0 );
   OutputBits( output,
        (unsigned long) match_position, INDEX_BIT_COUNT );
   OutputBits( output,
        (unsigned long) ( match_length - ( BREAK_EVEN + 1 ) ),
   replace_count = match_length;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < replace_count ; i++ ) {
   DeleteString( MOD_WINDOW( current_position + LOOK_AHEAD-SIZE ) );
   if ( ( c = getc( input ) ) == EOF )
    window[ MOD_WINDOW ( current_position + LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ) ]
              = (unsigned char) c;
   current position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
   if ( look ahead_bytes )
    match_length = AddString( current_position, &match_position );
 OutputBit( output, 0 );
 OutputBits( output,
         (unsigned long) END_OF_STREAM, INDEX_BIT_COUNT);
 while ( argc-- > 0 )
  printf( "Unknown argument: %s\n", *argv++ );

* This is the expansion routine for the LZSS algorithm. All it has
* to do is read in flag bits, decide whether to read in a character or
* a index/length pair, and take the appropriate action.

void ExpandFile( input, output, argc, argv )
BIT_FILE *input;
FILE *output;
int argc;
char *argv[];
  int i;
  int current_position;
  int c;
  int match_length;
  int match_ position;

  current_position = 1;
  for ( ; ; ) {
   if ( InputBit( input ) ) {
    c = (int) InputBits( input, 8 );
    putc( c, output );
    window[ current_position ] = (unsigned char) c;
    current_position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
   } else {
    match_position = (int) InputBits( input, INDEX_BIT_COUNT );
    if ( match_position == END_OF_STREAM )
    match_length = (int) InputBits( input, LENGTH_BIT_COUNT );
    match_length += BREAK_EVEN;
   for ( i = 0 ; i <= match_length ; i++ ) {
    c = window[ MOD_WINDOW( match_position + i ) ];
    putc( c, output );
    window[ current_position ] = (unsigned char) c;
    current_position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
 while ( argc-- > 0 )
  printf( "Unknown argument: %s\n", *argv++ );

/************************* End of LZSS.C *************************/

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