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File Extraction

The extraction routine in some ways is simpler than the Insert() routine. It doesn’t have to deal with the possibility that the LZSS compression routine failed to compress. Instead, it just calls the appropriate routine based on the compression method stored in the header file. However, it does have a few extra jobs to deal with.

First of all, Extract can be called with a predefined destination FILE pointer. This occurs when the Print or Test commands are being executed. Print just extracts to stdout, and Test extracts to the null device, or the “bit bucket”. When this is the case, Extract() doesn’t have to open a file to store the output.

In the case where Extract() is being called based on the Xtract command, it has to open the output file, check to make sure that goes okay, then close the file after the expansion takes place.

In all cases, Extract() has to check the CRC of the output file after the expansion routine has completed. When using the Test command, this is the way CARMAN verifies the integrity of the CAR file.

void Extract( destination )
FILE *destination;
 FILE *output_text_file;
 unsigned long crc;

  int error;

  fprintf( stderr, "%-20s ", Header.file_name );
  error = 0;
  if ( destination == NULL ) {
   if ( ( output_text_file = fopen(Header.file_name, "wb")
                            ) == NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s\n", Header.file_name );
    fprintf( stderr, "Not extracted\n" );
  } else
   output_text_file = destination;
  switch( Header.compression_method ) {
   case 1 :
    crc = Unstore( output_text_file );
   case 2 :
    crc = LZSSExpand( output_text_file );
   default :
    fprintf( stderr, "Unknown method: %c\n",
         Header.compression_method );
    error = 1;
    crc = Header.original_crc;
  if ( crc != Header.original_crc ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "CRC error reading data\n" );
    error = 1;
  if ( destination == NULL ) {
   fclose( output_text_file );
   if ( error )
  #ifdef __STDC__
        remove( Header.file_name );
        unlink( Header.file_name );
  if ( !error )
   fprintf (stderr, " OK\n" );


The final job left to CARMAN after making its way through the main processing loop is to clean up the workspace used by the program. The first step is to write out the special EOF header to the output CAR file. This is done using a dedicated routine called WriteEndOfCarHeader(), which simply writes a zero length file name to the header file.

Next, the output CAR file is closed and checked for errors. At this point, the output CAR file has been completely processed and is ready to replace the input file. In order to do this, the input file is deleted, and the output file is renamed to have the original archive name. This takes slightly different code under UNIX than MS-DOS, but it is relatively straightforward.

The Code

A complete listing of the CARMAN program follows, including sections that have only been lightly touched on in this chapter. The LZSS compression code is nearly identical to that shown earlier in Chapter 8, with a slightly modified I/O system.

Programmers wishing to compile this under MS-DOS are advised to pay close attention to those portions of the code that are surrounded by #ifdef MSDOS sections. These portions may need slight modifications to work with different MSDOS compilers, but the modifications should only consist of renamed functions and structures. The actual flow of control inside the program should be identical.

/**************************** Start of CARMAN.C *************************
* This is the main program for the simple Compressed Archive Manager.
* This program can be used to add, delete, extract, or list the files
* in a CAR archive. The code here should run under standard ANSI
* compilers under MS-DOS (with ANSI mode selected) or K&R compilers
* under UNIX. The code uses an LZSS compression algorithm identical to
* that used earlier in the book.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>

#ifdef __STDC__
 /* All Borland C/C++ versions */
 #ifdef __TURBOC__
   #define MSDOS 1
   #include <io.h>
   #include <dir.h>
   #define DIR_STRUCT struct ffblk
   #define FIND_FIRST(n, d, a ) findfirst( n, d, a )
   #define FIND_NEXT findnext
   #define DIR_FILE_NAME ff_name
 /*Microsoft, Watcom, Zortech */
#if defined( M__186 ) || defined ( __ZTC__ ) || defined ( __TSC__ )
 #define MSDOS 1
 #include <dos.h>
 #define DIR_STRUCT struct find_t
 #define FIND_FIRST( n, d, a) _dos_findfirst( n, a, d )
 #define FIND_NEXT _dos_findnext
 #define DIR_FILE_NAME name
* A few constants used throughout the program.

#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L

* The only data structure used inside the CAR file is the header block.
* Each file is preceded by a header, stored in a portable format.
* The header is read into and out of the structure defined below.
* The CAR file is structured as a series of header/data sequences, with
* the EOF being denoted as a header with a file name length of 0. Note
* that the length of each header will vary depending on the length of
* the file name.
#define FILENAME_MAX 128

typedef struct header {
 char file_name[ FILENAME_MAX ];
 char compression_method;
 unsigned long original_size;
 unsigned long compressed_size;
 unsigned long original_crc;
 unsigned long header_crc;

* Local function prototypes

#ifdef __STDC__

void FatalError( char *message, ... );
void BuildCRCTable( void );
unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32( unsigned int count, unsigned long crc,
                          void *buffer );
unsigned long UpdateCharacterCRC32( unsigned long crc, int c );
int ParseArguments( int argc, char *argv[] );
void UsageExit( void );
void OpenArchiveFiles( char *name, int command );
void BuildFileList( int argc, char *argv[], int command );
int ExpandAndMassageMSDOSFileNames( int count, char *wild_name );
void MassageMSDOSFileName( int count, char *file );
int AddFileListToArchive( void );
int ProcessAllFilesInInputCar( int command, int count );
int SearchFileList( char *file_name );
int WildCardMatch( char *s1, char *s2 );
void SkipOverFileFromInputCar( void );
void CopyFileFromInputCar( void );
void PrintListTitles( void );
void ListCarFileEntry( void );
int RatioInPercent( unsigned long compressed, unsigned long original );
int ReadFileHeader( void );
unsigned long UnpackUnsignedData( int number_of_bytes,
                      unsigned char *buffer );
void WriteFileHeader( void );
void PackUnsignedData( int number_of_bytes, unsigned long number,
                      unsigned char *buffer );
void WriteEndOfCarHeader( void );
void Insert( FILE *input_text_file, char *operation );
void Extract( FILE *destination );
int Store( FILE *input_text_file );
unsigned long Unstore( FILE *destination );
int LZSSCompress( FILE *input_text_file );
unsigned long LZSSExpand( FILE *destination );


void FatalError();
void BuildCRCTable();
unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32();
unsigned long UpdateCharacterCRC32();
int ParseArguments();
void UsageExit();
void OpenArchiveFiles();
void BuildFileList();
int ExpandAndMassageMSDOSFileNames();
void MassageMSDOSFileName();
int AddFileListToArchive();
int ProcessAllFilesInInputCar();
int SearchFileList();
int WildCardMatch();
void SkipOverFileFromInputCar();
void CopyFileFromInputCar();
void PrintListTitles();
void ListCarFileEntry();
int RatioInPercent();
int ReadFileHeader();
unsigned long UnpackUnsignedData();
void WriteFileHeader();
void PackUnsignedData();
void WriteEndOfCarHeader();
void Insert();
void Extract();
int Store();
unsigned long Unstore();
int LZSSCompress();
unsigned long LZSSExpand();


* All global variables are defined here.

char *TempFileName[ FILENAME_MAX ]; /* The output archive is first    */
                                    /* opened with a temporary name   */

FILE * InputCarFile;                /* The input CAR file. This file  */
                                    /* may not exist for 'A' commands */

char CarFileName[ FILENAME_MAX ];   /* Name of the CAR file, defined  */
                                    /* on the command line            */

FILE *OutputCarFile;                /* The output CAR, only exists for*/
                                    /* the 'A' and 'R' operations     */

HEADER Header;                      /* The Header block for the file  */
                                    /* presently being operated on    */

char *FileList[ 100 ];              /* The list of file names passed  */
                                    /* on the command line            */

unsigned long Ccitt32Table[ 256 ];  /* This array holds the CRC       */
                                    /* table used to calculate the 32 */
                                    /* bit CRC values                 */

* This is the main routine for processing CAR commands. Most of the
* major work involved here has been delegated to other functions.
* This routine first parses the command line, then opens up the input
* and possibly the output archive. It then builds a list of files
* to be processed by the current command. If the command was 'A', all
* of the files are immediately added to the output archives. Finally,
* the main processing loop is called. It scans through the entire
* archive, taking action on each file as necessary. Once that is
* complete, all that is left to do is optionally delete the input file,
* then rename the output file to have the correct CAR file name.

int main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];

 int command;
 int count;

 setbuf( stdout, NULL );
 setbuf( stderr, NULL ):
 fprintf( stderr, "CARMAN 1.0 : " );
 command = ParseArguments( argc, argv );
 fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
 OpenArchiveFiles( argv[ 2 ], command );
 BuildFileList( argc - 3, argv + 3, command );
 if ( command == 'A' )
  count = AddFileListToArchive();
  count = 0;
 if ( command == 'L' )
 count = ProcessAllFilesInInputCar( command, count );
 if ( OutputCarFile != NULL && count != 0 ) {
  if ( ferror( OutputCarFile ) || fclose( OutputCarFile ) == EOF )
   FatalError( "Can't write" );

  #ifdef __STDC__
   remove( CarFileName );
   rename(TempFileName, CarFileName );
   unlink( CarFileName );
   link( TempFileName, CarFileName );
   unlink( TempFileName );

 if ( command != 'P' )
  printf( "\n%d file%s\n", count, ( count == 1 ) ? "" : "s" );
  fprintf( stderr, "\n%d file%s\n", count,
                 ( count == 1 ) ? '' : "s" );
  return( 0 );

* FatalError provides a short way for us to exit the program when
* something bad happens, as well as printing a diagnostic message.
* If an output CAR file has been opened, it is deleted as well,
* which cleans up most of the traces of our work here. Note that
* K&R compilers handle variable length argument lists differently
* than ANSI compilers, so we have two different entries for the
* routines.

#ifdef __STDC__

void FatalError( char *fmt, ... )
 va_list args;

 va_start( args, fmt );

void FatalError( va_alist )
 va_list args;
 char *fmt;

 va_start( args );
 fmt = va_arg( args, char * );

 putc( '\n', stderr );
 vfprintf( stderr, fmt, args );
 putc( '\n', stderr );
 va_end( args );
 if ( OutputCarFile != NULL )
  fclose( OutputCarFile );
#ifdef __STDC__
    remove( TempFileName );
  unlink( TempFileName );
 exit( 1 );

* This routine simply builds the coefficient table used to calculate
* 32-bit CRC values throughout this program. The 256-long word table
* has to be set up once when the program starts. Alternatively, the
* values could be hard-coded in, which would offer a miniscule
* improvement in overall performance of the program.

void BuildCRCTable()
 int i;
 int j;
 unsigned long value;

 for ( i = 0; i <= 255 ; i++ ) {
  value = i;
  for ( j = 8 ; j > 0; j-- ) {
   if ( value & 1 )
    value = ( value >> 1 ) ^ CRC32_POLYNOMIAL;
    value >>= 1;
  Ccitt32Table[ i ] = value;


* This is the routine used to calculate the 32-bit CRC of a block of
* data. This is done by processing the input buffer using the
* coefficient table that was created when the program was initialized.
* This routine takes an input value as a seed, so that a running
* calculation of the CRC can be used as blocks are read and written.

unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32( count, crc, buffer )
unsigned int count;
unsigned long crc;
void *buffer;
 unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) buffer;
 unsigned long temp1;
 unsigned long temp2;

 while ( count-- != 0 ) {
  temp1 = ( crc >> 8 ) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
  temp2 = Ccitt32Table[ ( (int) crc ^ *p++ ) & 0xff ];
  crc = temp1 ^ temp2;
 return( crc );
* If I/0 is being done on a byte-by-byte basis, as is the case with the
* LZSS code, it is easier to calculate the CRC of a byte at a time
* instead of a block at a time. This routine performs that function,
* once again taking a CRC value as input, so that this can be used to
* perform on the fly calculations. In situations where performance is
* critical, this routine could easily be recorded as a macro.
unsigned long UpdateCharacterCRC32( crc, c )
unsigned long crc;
int c;
 unsigned long temp1;
 unsigned long temp2;

 temp1 = ( crc >> 8 ) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
 temp2 = Ccitt32Table[ ( (int) crc ^ c ) & 0xff ];
 crc = temp1 ^ temp2;
 return( crc );

* When CARMAN first starts up, it calls this routine to parse the
* command line. We look for several things here. If any of the
* conditions needed to run CARMAN is not met, the routine opts for
* the usage printout exit. The first thing to be sure of is that
* the command line has at least three arguments, which should be
* the "CARMAN", a single character command, and an CAR archive name.
* After that, we check to be sure that the command name is a valid
* letter, and incidentally print out a short message based on it.
* Both the Addfiles and Delete commands require that some file names
* be listed as well, so a check is made for additional arguments when
* each of those arguments is encountered. Finally, the command itself
* is returned to main(), for use later in processing the command.

int ParseArguments( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
 int command;

 if ( argc < 3 || strlen( argv[ 1 ] ) > 1 )
 switch( command = toupper( argv[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) {
  case 'X' :
   fprintf( stderr, "Extracting files\n";
  case 'R' :
   fprintf( stderr, "Replacing files\n" );
  case 'P' :
   fprintf( stderr, "Print files to stdout\n" );
  case 'T' :
   fprintf( stderr, "Testing integrity of files\n" );
  case 'L' :
   fprintf( stderr, "Listing archive contents\n" );
  case 'A' :
   if ( argc <= 3 )
   fprintf( stderr, "Adding/replacing files to archive\n" );
  case 'D' :
   if ( argc <= 3 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Deleting files from archive\n" )'
   default :
  return( command );

* UsageExit just provides a universal point of egress for those
* times when there appears to be a problem on the command line.
* This routine prints a short help message then exits back to the OS.

void UsageExit()
 fputs( "CARMAN - Compressed ARchive MANager\n", stderr );
 fputs( "Usage: carman command car-file [file ...]\n", stderr );
 fputs( "Commands:\n", stderr );
 fputs( " a: Add files to a CAR archive (replace if present)\n",
                                                    stderr );
 fputs( " x: Extract files from a CAR archive\n", stderr );
 fputs( " r: Replace files in a CAR archive\n", stderr );
 fputs( " d: Delete files from a CAR archive\n", stderr );
 fputs( " p: Print files on standard output\n", stderr );
 fputs( " l: List contents of a CAR archive\n", stderr );
 fputs( " t: Test files in a CAR archive\n", stderr );
 fputs( "\n", stderr );
 exit( 1 );

* After the command line has been parsed, main() has enough information
* to intelligently open the input and output CAR archive files. The
* name should have been specified on the command line, and passed to
* this routine by main(). As a convenience to the user, if the CAR
* suffix is left off the archive, this routine will add it on.
* There is one legitimate excuse for not being able to open the input
* file, which is if this is the 'Addfiles' command. There may not be
* an input archive when that command is called, in which case a failure
* is tolerated. Once the input file has been opened, an output file
* may have to be opened as well. The 'Addfiles', 'Delete', and
* 'Replace' commands all modify the CAR archive, which means the input
* CAR file is going to be processed and copied to the output. Initially,
* the output CAR file gets a temporary name. It will be renamed later
* after the input has been processed.
* Since we will probably be doing lots of bulk copies from the input
* CAR file to the output CAR file, it makes sense to allocate big
* buffers for the files. This is done with the two calls to setvbuf()
* right before the routine exits.
void OpenArchiveFiles( name, command )

char *name;
int command;
 char *s;
 int i;

 strncpy( CarFileName, name, FILENAME_MAX - 1 );
 CarFileName[ FILENAME_MAX - 1 ] = '\0';
 InputCarFile = fopen( CarFileName, "rb" );
 if ( InputCarFile == NULL ) {
#ifdef MSDOS
    s = strrchr( CarFileName, '\\' );
#else /* UNIX */
    s = strrchr( CarFileName, '/' );
   if ( s == NULL )
    s = CarFileName;
   if ( strrchr( s, '.' ) == NULL )
    if ( strlen( CarFileName ) < ( FILENAME_MAX - 4 ) ) {
     strcat( CarFileName, ".car" );
     InputCarFile = fopen( CarFileName, "rb" );
 if ( InputCarFile == NULL && command != 'A' )
  FatalError( "Can't open archive '%s'", CarFileName );
 if ( command == 'A' || command == 'R' || command == 'D' ) {
  strcpy( TempFileName, CarFileName );
  s = strrchr( TempFileName, '.');
  if ( s == NULL )
   s = TempFileName + strlen( TempFileName );
  for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) {
   sprintf( s, ".$$%d", i );
   if ( ( OutputCarFile = fopen( TempFileName, "r" ) ) == NULL )
   fclose( OutputCarFile );
   OutputCarFile = NULL;
   if ( i == 10 )
    FatalError( "Can't open temporary file %s", TempFileName );
   OutputCarFile = fopen( TempFileName, "wb" );
   if ( OutputCarFile == NULL )
    FatalError( "Can't open temporary file %s", TempFileName );
  if ( InputCarFile != NULL )
   setvbuf( InputCarFile, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192 );
  if ( OutputCarFile != NULL )
   setvbuf( OutputCarFile, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192 );

* Most of the commands given here take one or more file names as
* arguments. The list of files given on the command line needs to be
* processed here and put into a list that can easily be manipulated by
* other parts of the program. That processing is done here. An array
* called FileList is created, which will have a series of pointers to
* file names. If no file names were listed on the command line, which
* could be the case for commands like 'List' or 'Extract', a single
* file name of '*' is put on the start of the list. Since '*' is the
* ultimate wild card, matching everything, we don't have to have special
* processing anywhere else for an empty file list. The file names here
* are also massaged a bit further for MS-DOS file names. Under MS-DOS,
* case is not significant in file names. This means that CARMAN
* shouldn't get confused by thinking 'foo.c' and 'FOO.C' are two
* different files. To avoid this, all MS-DOS file names are converted
* here to lower case. Additionally, any file name without an extension
* is forced to end with a period, for similar reasons. This ensures that
* CARMAN knows 'FOO' and 'FOO.' are the same file. Note that I don't
* want to do this for wild card specifications. Finally, there is the
* problem of MS-DOS wild card file names. When using the 'Add' command,
* wild cards on the command line need to be expanded into real file
* names, then undergo the additional processing mentioned earlier. This
* is done with a call to a function that is MS-DOS specific. None of
* this special processing is done under UNIX, where case is significant,
* and wild cards are expanded by the shell.

void BuildFileList( argc, argv, command )
int argc;
char *argv[];
int command;
 int i;
 int count;

 count = 0;
 if ( argc == 0 )
  FileList[ count++ ] = "*";
 else {
  for ( i = 0 ; i < argc ; i++ ) {
#ifdef MSDOS
    if ( command == 'A' )
     count = ExpandAndMassageMSDOSFileNames( count, argv[ i ] );
     MassageMSDOSFileName( count++, argv[ i ] );
    FileList [ count ] = malloc( strlen( argv[ i ] ) + 2 );
    if ( FileList[ count ] == NULL )
     FatalError( "Ran out of memory storing file names" );
    strcpy( FileList[ count++ ], argv[ i ] );
    if ( count > 99 )
     FatalError( "Too many file names" );
 FileList[ count ] = NULL;

* Under MS-DOS, wildcards on the command line are not expanded to
* a list of file names, so it is up to application programs to do the
* expansion themselves. This routine takes care of that, by using
* the findfirst and findnext routines. Unfortunately, each MS-DOS
* compiler maker has implemented this function slightly differently, so
* this may need to be modified for your particular compiler. However,
* this routine can be replaced with a call to MassageMSDOSFileName(),
* and the program will work just fine, without the ability to handle
* wild card file names.
#ifdef MSDOS

#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>

int ExpandAndMassageMSDOSFileNames( count, wild_name )
int count;
char *wild_name;
 int done;
 DIR_STRUCT file_info_block;
 char *leading_path;
 char *file_name;
 char *p;

 leading_path = malloc( strlen( wild_name ) + 1 );
 file_name = malloc( strlen( wild_name ) + 13 );
 if ( leading_path == NULL || file_name == NULL )
  FatalError( "Ran out of memory storing file names" );
 strcpy( leading_path, wild_name );
 p = strrchr( leading_path, '\\' );
 if ( p != NULL )
  p[ 1 ] = '\0';
 else {
  p = strrchr( leading_path, ';' );
  if ( p != NULL )
   p[ 1 ] = '\0';
   leading_path[ 0 ] = '\0';

 done = FIND_FIRST( wild_name, & file_info_block, 0 );
 while ( !done ) {
  strcpy( file_name, leading_path );
  strcat( file_name, file_info_block.DIR_FILE_NAME );
  MassageMSDOSFileName( count++, file_name );
  done = FIND_NEXT( & file_info_block );
  if ( count > 99 )
   FatalError( "Too many file names" );
 free( leading_path );
 free( file_name );
 return( count );

* As was discussed earlier, this routine is called to perform a small
* amount of normalization on file names. Under MS_DOS, case is not
* significant in file names. In order to avoid confusion later, we force
* all file names to be all lower case, so we can't accidentally add two
* files with the same name to a CAR archive. Likewise, we need to
* prevent confusion between files that end in a period, and the same
* file without the terminal period. We fix this by always forcing the
* file name to end in a period.

void MassageMSDOSFileName( count, file )
int count;
char *file;
 int i;
 char *p;

 FileList[ count ] = malloc( strlen( file ) + 2 );
 if ( FileList[ count ] == NULL )
  FatalError( "Ran out of memory storing file names" );
 strcpy( FileList[ count ], file );
 for ( i = 0 ; FileList[ count ] [ i ] != '\0' ; i++ )
  FileList[ count ][ i ] = (char)
       tolower(FileList[ count ][ i ]);
 if ( strpbrk( FileList [ count ], "*?" ) == NULL ) {
  p = strrchr( FileList[ count ], '\\' );
  if ( p == NULL )
   p = FileList[ count ];
  if ( strrchr( p, '.' ) == NULL )
   strcat( FileList[ count ], "." );


* Once all of the argument processing is done, the main() procedure
* checks to see if the command is 'Addfiles'. If it is, it calls
* this procedure to add all of the listed files to the output buffer
* before any other processing is done. That is taken care of right
* here. This routine basically does three jobs before calling the
* Insert() routine, where the compression actually takes place. First,
* it tries to open the file, which ought to work. Second, it strips the
* leading drive and path information from the file, since we don't keep
* that information in the archive. Finally, it checks to see if the
* resulting name is one that has already been added to the archive.
* If it has, the file is skipped so that we don't end up with an
* invalid archive.

int AddFileListToArchive()
 int i;
 int j;
 int skip;
 char *s;
 FILE *input_text_file;

 for ( i = 0 ; FileList[ i ] != NULL ; i++ ) {
  input_text_file = fopen( FileList[ i ], "rb" );
   if ( input_text_file == NULL )
    FatalError( "Could not open %s to add to CAR file",
       FileList[ i ] );
#ifdef MSDOS
   s = strrchr( FileList[ i ], '\\' );
   if ( s == NULL )
    s = strrchr( FileList[ i ], ':' );
#ifndef MSDOS /* Must be UNIX */
   s = strrchr( FileList[ i ], '/' );
   if ( s != NULL )
    s = FileList[ i ];
   skip = 0;
   for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ )
    if ( strcmp( s, FileList[ j ] ) == 0 ) {
     fprintf( stderr, "Duplicate file name: %s", FileList[ i ] );
     fprintf( stderr, " Skipping this file...\n" );
     skip = 1;
   if (s != FileList[ i ] ) {
    for ( j = 0 ; s[ j ] != '\0' ; j++ )
     FileList[ i ][ j ] = s[ j ];
    FileList[ i ][ j ] = '\0';
   if ( !skip ) {
    strcpy( Header.file_name, FileList[ i ] );
    Insert( input_text_file, "Adding" );
   } else
    fclose( input_text_file );
 return( i );

* This is the main loop where all the serious work done by this
* program takes place. Essentially, this routine starts at the
* beginning of the input CAR file, and processes every file in
* the CAR. Depending on what command is being executed, that might
* mean expanding the file, copying it to standard output,
* adding it to the output CAR, or skipping over it completely.

int ProcessAllFilesInInputCar( command, count )
int command;
int count;
 int matched;
 FILE *input_text_file;
 FILE *output_destination;

 if ( command == 'P' )
  output_destination = stdout;
 else if ( command == 'T' )
#ifdef MSDOS
   output_destination = fopen( "NUL", "wb" );
   output_destination = fopen( "/dev/null", "wb" );
   output_destination = NULL;

* This is the loop where it all happens. I read in the header for
* each file in the input CAR, then see if it matches any of the file
* and wildcard specifications in the FileList created earlier. That
* information, combined with the command, tells me what I need to
* know in order to process the file. Note that if the 'Addfiles' command
* is being executed, the InputCarFile will be NULL, so this loop
* can be safely skipped.
 while ( InputCarFile != NULL && ReadFileHeader() != 0 ) {
 matched = SearchFileList( Header.file_name );
 switch ( command ) {
  case 'D' :
   if ( matched ) {
   } else
  case 'A' :
   if ( matched )
  case 'L' :
   if ( matched ) {
   } else
  case 'P' :
  case 'X' :
  case 'T' :
   if ( matched ) {
    Extract( output_destination );
   } else
  case 'R' :
   if ( matched ) {
    input_text_file = fopen( Header.file_name, "rb" );
    if ( input_text_file == NULL ) {
     fprintf( stderr, "Could not find %s", Header.file_name );
     fprintf( stderr, " for replacement, skipping\n" );
    } else {
     Insert( input_text_file, "Replacing" );
     fclose(input_text_file );
   } else
 return( count );

* This routine looks through the entire list of arguments to see if
* there is a match with the file name currently in the header. As each
* new file in InputCarFile is encountered in the main processing loop,
* this routine is called to determine if it has an appearance anywhere
* in the FileList[] array. The results is used to in the main loop
* to determine what action to take. For example, if the command were
* the 'Delete' command, the match result would determine whether to
* copy the file form the InputCarFile to the OutputCarFile, or skip
* over it.
* The actual work in this routine is really performed by the
* WildCardMatch() routine which checks the file name against one of the
* names in the FileList[] array. Since most of the commands can use
* wild cards to specify file names inside the CAR file, we need a
* special comparison routine.

int SearchFileList( file_name )
char *file_name;
  int i;

  for ( i = 0 ; FileList[ i ] != NULL ; i++ ) {
   if ( WildCardMatch( file_name, FileList[ i ] ) )
    return( 1 );
  return( 0 );
* WildCardMatch() compares string to wild_string, looking for a match.
* Wild card characters supported are only '*' and '?', where '*'
* represents a string of any length, including 0, and '?' represents any
* single character.

int WildCardMatch( string, wild_string )
char *string;
char *wild_string;
 for ( ; ; ) {
  if ( *wild_string == '*' ) {
   for ( ; ; ) {
    while ( *string != '\0' && *string != *wild_string )
    if ( WildCardMatch( string, wild_string ) )
     return( 1 );
    else if ( *string == '\0' )
     return( 0 );
 } else if ( *wild_string == '?' ) {
   if ( * string++ == '\0' )
     return( 0 );
   } else {
    if ( * string != *wild_string )
     return( 0 );
    if ( *string == '\0' )
     return( 1 );

* When the main processing loop reads in a header, it checks to see
* if it is going to copy that file either to the OutputCarFile or expand
* it. If neither is going to happen, we need to skip past this file and
* go on to the next header. This can be done by seeking past the
* compressed file. Since the compressed size is stored in the header
* information, it is easy to do. Note that this routine assumes that the
* file pointer has not been modified since the header was read in. This
* means it should be located at the first byte of the compressed data.

void SkipOverFileFromInputCar()
   fseek( InputCarFile, Header.compressed_size, SEEK_CUR );

* When performing an operation that modifies the input CAR file,
* compressed files will frequently need to be copied from the input CAR
* file to the output CAR file. This routine does that using simple
* repeated block copy operations. Since it is writing directly to the
* output CAR file, the first thing it needs to do is write out the
* current Header so that the CAR file will be properly structured.
* Following that, the compressed file is copied one block at a time to
* the output. When this routine completes, the input file pointer is
* positioned at the next header in the input CAR file, and the output
* file pointer is positioned at the EOF position in the output file.
* This is the proper place for the next record to begin.

void CopyFileFromInputCar()
 char buffer[ 256 ];
 int count;

 while ( Header.compressed_size != 0 ) {
  if ( Header.compressed_size < 256 )
   count = (int) Header.compressed_size;
   count = 256;
  if ( fread( buffer, 1, count, InputCarFile ) != count )
   FatalError( "Error reading input file %s", Header.file_name );
  Header.compressed_size -= count;
  if ( fwrite( buffer, 1, count, OutputCarfile) != count )
   FatalError( "Error writing to output CAR file" );

* When the operation requested by the user is 'List', this routine is
* called to print out the column headers. List output goes to standard
* output, unlike most of the other messages in this program, which go
* to stderr.

void PrintListTitles()

 printf( "\n" );
 printf( "         Original Compressed\n" );
 printf( "Filename  Size  Size     Ratio CRC-32 Method\n" );
 printf( "________  ____  ____     _________________\n" );


* When the List command is given, the main loop reads in each header
* block, then tests to see if the file name in the header block matches
* one of the file names (including wildcards) in the FileList. If it is,
* this routine is called to print out the information on the file.

void ListCarFileEntry()
 static char *methods[] = {

printf( "%-20s %10lu %10lu %4d%% %081x %s\n",
    RatioInPercent( Header.compressed_size,
    Header.original_size ),    Header.original_crc,
    methods[ Header.compression_method - 1 ] );

* The compression figure used in this book is calculated here. The value
* is scaled so that a file that has just been stored has a compression
* ratio of 0%, while one that has been shrunk down to nothing would have
* a ratio of 100%.

int RatioInPercent( compressed, original )
unsigned long compressed;
unsigned long original;
 int result;

 if ( original == 0 )
  return( 0 );
 result = (int) ( ( 100L * compressed ) / original );
 return( 100 - result );

* This routine is where all the information about the next file in
* the archive is read in. The data is read into the global Header
* structure. To preserve portability of CAR files across systems,
* the data in each file header is packed into an unsigned char array
* before it is written out to the file. To read this data back in
* to the Header structure, we first read it into another unsigned
* character array, then employ an unpacking routine to convert that
* data into ints and longs. This helps us avoid problems with
* big/little endian conflicts, as well as incompatibilities in structure
* packing, which show up even between different compilers targetted for
* the same architecture.
* To avoid causing any additional confusion, the data members for the
* header structure are at least stored in exactly the same order as
* they appear in the structure definition. The primary difference is
* that the entire file name character array is not stored, which would
* waste a lot of space. Instead, we just store the number of characters
* in the name, including the null termination character. The file name
* serves the additional purpose of identifying the end of the CAR file
* with a file name length of 0 bytes.

int ReadFileHeader()
 unsigned char header_data[ 17 ];
 unsigned long header_crc;
 int i;
 int c;
 for ( i = 0 ; ; ) {
  c = getc( InputCarFile );
  Header.file_name[ i ] = (char) c;
  if ( c == '\0' )
  if ( ++i == FILENAME_MAX )
   FatalError ( "File name exceeded maximum in header" );
if ( i == 0 )
 return( 0 );
header_crc = CalculateBlockCRC32( i + 1, CRC_MASK, Header.file_name );
fread( header_data, 1, 17, InputCarFile );
Header.compression_method = (char)
              UnpackUnsignedData( 1, header_data + 0 );
Header.original_size    = UnpackUnsignedData( 4, header_data + 1 );
Header.compressed_size  = UnpackUnsignedData( 4, header_data + 5 );
Header.original_crc     = UnpackUnsignedData( 4, header_data + 9 );
Header.header_crc       = UnpackUnsignedData( 4, header_data + 13 );
header_crc = CalculateBlockCRC32(13, header_crc, header_data );
header_crc ^= CRC_MASK;
if ( Header.header_crc != header_crc )
 FatalError( "Header checksum error for file %s", Header.file_name );
return( 1 );

* This routine is used to transform packed characters into unsigned
* integers. Its only purpose is to convert packed character data
* into integers and longs.

unsigned long UnpackUnsignedData( number_of_bytes, buffer )
int number_of_bytes;
unsigned char *buffer;
 unsigned long result;
 int shift_count;
 result = 0;
 shift_count = 0;
 while ( number_of_bytes-- > ) {
  result |= (unsigned long) * buffer++ << shift_count;
  shift_count += 8;
 return( result );

* This routine is called to write out the current Global header block
* to the output CAR file. It employs the same packing mechanism
* discussed earlier. This routine also calculates the CRC of the
* header, which is sometimes not necessary.

void WriteFileHeader()
 unsigned char header_data[ 17 ];
 int i;

 for ( i = 0 ; ; ) {
  putc( Header.file_name[ i ], OutputCarFile );
  if ( Header.file_name[ i++ ] == '\0' )
Header.header_crc = CalculateBlockCRC32( i, CRC_MASK,
                     Header.file_name );
PackUnsignedData( 1, (long)
                     Header.compression_method,header_data + 0 );
PackUnsignedData( 4, Header.original_size,    header_data + 1 );
PackUnsignedData( 4, Header.compressed_size,  header_data + 5 );
PackUnsignedData( 4, Header.original_crc,     header_data + 9 );
Header.header_crc = CalculatedBlockCRC32( 13, Header.header_crc,
                                         header_data );
Header.header_crc ^= CRC_MASK;
 PackUnsignedData( 4, Header.header_crc, header_data + 13 );
 fwrite( header_data, 1, 17, OutputCarFile );

* This is the routine used to pack integers and longs into a character
* array. The character array is what eventually gets written out to the
* CAR file. The data is always written out with the least significant
* bytes of the integers or long integers going first.

void PackUnsignedData( number_of_bytes, number, buffer )
int number_of_bytes;
unsigned long number;
unsigned char *buffer;
 while ( number_of_bytes-- > 0 ) {
  *buffer++ = ( unsigned char ) number & Oxff;
  number >>= 8;

* The last header in a CAR file is defined by the fact that it has
* a file name length of zero. Since the file name is the
* first element to be written out, we can create the final header
* by just writing out a null termination character. This technique
* saves a little bit of space.

void WriteEndOfCarHeader()
 fputc( 0, OutputCarFile );

* This is the routine called by the main processing loop and the
* Addfiles routine. It takes an input file and writes the header and
* file data to the Output CAR file. There are several complications that
* the routine has to deal with. First of all, the header information
* it gets when it first starts is incomplete. For instance, we don't
* know how many bytes the file will take up when it is compressed.
* Because of this, the position of the header is stored, and the
* incomplete copy is written out. After the compression routine finishes,
* the header is now complete. In order to put the correct header into
* the output CAR file, this routine seeks back in the file to the
* original header position and rewrites it.
* The second complication lies in the fact that some files are not very
* compressible. In fact, for some files the LZSS algorithm may actually
* cause the file to expand. In these cases, the compression routine
* gives up and passes a failure code back to Insert(). When this
* happens, the routine has to seek back to the start of the file, rewind
* the input file, and store it instead of compressing it. Because of
* this, the starting position of the file in the output CAR file is also
* stored when the routine starts up.

void Insert( input_text_file, operation )
FILE *input_text_file;
char *operation;
 long saved_position_of_header;
 long saved_position_of_file;

 fprintf( stderr, "%s %-20s", operation, Header, file_name );
 saved_position_of_header = ftell( OutputCarFile );
 Header.compression_method = 2;
 saved_position_of_file = ftell(OutputCarFile);
 fseek( input_text_file, OL, SEEK_END );
 Header.original_size = ftell( input_text_file );
 fseek( input_text_file, OL, SEEK_SET );
 if ( !LZSSCompress( input_text_file ) ) {
  Header.compression_method = 1;
  fseek( OutputCarFile, saved_position_of_file, SEEK_SET );
  rewind( input_text_file );
  Store( input_text_file );
 fclose( input_text_file );
 fseek( OutputCarFile, saved_position_of_header, SEEK_SET );
 fseek( OutputCarFile, OL, SEEK_END );
 printf( "%d%%\n", RatioInPercent( Header.compressed_size,
                     Header.original_size ) );

* The Extract routine can be called for one of three reasons. If the
* file in the CAR is truly being extracted, Extract() is called with
* no destination specified. In this case, the Extract routine opens the
* file specified in the header and either unstores or decompresses the
* file from the CAR file. If the archive is being tested for veracity,
* the destination file will have been opened up earlier and specified as
* the null device. Finally, the 'Print' option may have been selected,
* in which case the destination file will be extracted to stdout.

void Extract( destination )
FILE *destination;
 FILE *output_text_file;
 unsigned long crc;
 int error;

 fprintf( stderr, "%-20s ", Header.file_name );
 error = 0;
 if ( destination == NULL ) {
 if ( ( output_text_file = fopen(Header.file_name, "wb")
                            ) == NULL ) {
  fprintf( stderr, "Can't open %s\n", Header.file_name );
  fprintf( stderr, "Not extracted\n" );
} else
 output_text_file = destination;
switch( Header.compression_method ) {
 case 1 :
  crc = Unstore( output_text_file );
 case 2 :
  crc = LZSSExpand( output_text_file );
 default :
  fprintf( stderr, "Unknown method: %c\n",
   Header.compression_method );
  error = 1;
  crc = Header.original_crc;
 if ( crc != Header.original_crc ) {
  fprintf( stderr, "CRC error reading data\n" );
  error = 1;
 if ( destination == NULL ) {
    fclose( output_text_file );
    if ( error )
#ifdef __STDC__
    remove( Header.file_name );
    unlink( Header.file_name );
    if ( !error )
    fprintf( stderr, " OK\n" );

* The CAR manager program is capable of handling many different forms of
* compression. All the compression program has to do is obey a few
* simple rules. First of all, the compression routine is required
* to calculate the 32-bit CRC of the uncompressed data, and store the
* result in the file Header, so it can be written out by the Insert()
* routine. The expansion routine calculates the CRC of the file it
* creates, and returns it to Extract() for a check against the Header
* value. Second, the compression routine is required to quit if its
* output is going to exceed the length of the input file. It needs to
* quit *before* the output length passes the input, or problems will
* result. The compression routine is required to return a true or false
* value indicating whether or not the compression was a success. And
* finally, the expansion routine is expected to leave the file pointer
* to the Input CAR file positioned at the first byte of the next file
* header. This means it has to read in all the bytes of the compressed
* data, no more or less.
* All these things are relatively easy to accomplish for Store() and
* Unstore(), since they do no compression or expansion.
int Store( input_text_file )
FILE *input_text_file;
 unsigned int n;
 char buffer[ 256 ];
 int pacifier;

 pacifier = 0;
 Header.original_crc = CRC_MASK;

 while ( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, 256, input_text_file ) ) != 0 ) {
  fwrite( buffer, 1, n, OutputCarFile );
  Header.original_crc = CalculateBlockCRC32( n, Header.original_crc,
                                                       buffer );
  if ( ( ++pacifier & 15 ) == 0 )
   putc( '.', stderr );
 Header.compressed_size = Header.original_size;
 Header.original_crc ^= CRC_MASK;
 return( 1 );

unsigned long Unstore( destination )
FILE *destination;
 unsigned long crc;
 unsigned int count;
 unsigned char buffer[ 256 ];
 int pacifier;

 pacifier = 0;
 crc = CRC_MASK;
 while ( Header.original_size != 0 ) {
  if ( Header.original_size > 256 )
   count = 256;
   count = (int) Header.original_size;
  if ( fread( buffer, 1, count, InputCarFile ) != count )
   FatalError( "Can't read from input CAR file" );
  if ( fwrite( buffer, 1, count, destination ) != count ) {
   fprintf( stderr. "Error writing to output file" );
   return( ~Header.original_crc );
  crc = CalculateBlockCRC32( count, crc, buffer );
  if ( destination != stdout && ( pacifier++ & 15 ) == 0 )
   putc( '.', stderr );
  Header.original_size -= count;
 return( crc ^ CRC_MASK );

* The second set of compression routines is found here. These
* routines implement LZSS compression and expansion using 12-bit
* index pointers and 4-bit match lengths. These values were
* specifically chosen because they allow for "blocked I/O". Because
* of their values, we can pack match/length pairs into pairs of
* bytes, with characters that don't have matches going into single
* bytes. This helps increase I/O since single bit input and
* output does not have to be employed. Other than this single change,
* this code is identical to the LZSS code used earlier in the book.

* Various constants_used to define the compression parameters. The
* INDEX_BIT_COUNT tells how many bits we allocate to indices into the
* text window. This directly determines the WINDOW_SIZE. The
* LENGTH_BIT_COUNT tells how many bits we allocate for the length of
* an encode phrase. This determines the size of the look ahead buffer.
* The TREE_ROOT is a special node in the tree that always points to
* the root node of the binary phrase tree. END_OF_STREAM is a special
* index used to flag the fact that the file has been completely
* encoded, and there is no more data. UNUSED is the null index for
* the tree. MOD_WINDOW() is a macro used to perform arithmetic on tree
* indices.

#define INDEX_BIT_COUNT              12
#define LENGTH_BIT_COUNT             4
#define WINDOW_SIZE                  ( 1 << INDEX_BIT_COUNT )
#define RAW_LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE          ( 1 << LENGTH_BIT_COUNT )
#define BREAK_EVEN         ( ( 1 + INDEX_BIT_COUNT + LENGTH_BIT_COUNT ) \
                                        / 9 )
#define TREE_ROOT                    WINDOW_SIZE
#define END_OF_STREAM                0
#define UNUSED                       0
#define MOD_WINDOW( a )              ( ( a ) & ( WINDOW_SIZE - 1 ) )

* These are the two global data structures used in this program.
* The window[] array is exactly that, the window of previously seen
* text, as well as the current look ahead text. The tree[] structure
* contains the binary tree of all of the strings in the window sorted
* in order.
unsigned char window[ WINDOW_SIZE ];

struct {
 int parent;
 int smaller_child;
 int larger_child;
} tree[ WINDOW_SIZE + 1 ];

* Function prototypes for both ANSI C compilers and their K&R brethren.

#ifdef __STDC__

void InitTree( int r );
void ContractNode( int old_node, int new_node );
void ReplaceNode( int old_node, int new_node );
int FindNextNode( int node );
void DeleteString( int p );
int AddString( int new_node, int *match_position );
void InitOutputBuffer( void );
int FlushOutputBuffer( void );
int OutputChar( int data );
int OutputPair( int position, int length );
void InitInputBuffer( void );
int InputBit( void );


void InitTree();
void ContractNode();
void ReplaceNode();
int FindNextNode();
void DeleteString();
int AddString();
void InitOutputBuffer();
int FlushOutputBuffer();
int OutputChar();
int OutputPair();
void InitInputBuffer();
int InputBit();


void InitTree( r )
int r;
 int i;

 for ( i = 0 ; i < ( WINDOW_SIZE + 1 ) ; i++ ) {
  tree[ i].parent = UNUSED;
  tree[ i].larger_child = UNUSED;
  tree[ i].smaller_child = UNUSED;
 tree[ TREE_ROOT ].larger_child = r;
 tree[ r].parent = TREE_ROOT;
 tree[ r ].larger_child = UNUSED;
 tree[ r ].smaller_child = UNUSED;

* This routine is used when a node is being deleted. The link to
* its descendant is broken by pulling the descendant in to overlay
* the existing link.
void ContractNode( old_node, new_node )
int old_node;
int new_node;
 tree[ new_node ].parent = tree[ old_node ].parent;
 if ( tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].larger_child == old_node )
  tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].larger_child = new_node;
  tree[ tree[ old_node ].parent ].smaller_child = new_node;
 tree[ old_node ].parent = UNUSED;

* This routine is also used when a node is being deleted. However,
* in this case, it is being replaced by a node that was not previously
* in the tree.
void ReplaceNode( old_node, new_node )
int old_node;
int new_node;
 int parent;

 parent = tree[ old_node ].parent;
 if ( tree [ parent ].smaller_child == old_node )
  tree[ parent ].smaller_child = new_node;
  tree[ parent ].larger_child = new_node;
 tree[ new_node ] = tree[ old_node ];
 tree[ tree[ new_node ].smaller_child ].parent = new_node;
 tree[ tree[ new_node ].larger_child ].parent = new_node;
 tree[ old_node ].parent = UNUSED;

* This routine is used to find the next smallest node after the node
* argument. It assumes that the node has a smaller child. We find
* the next smallest child by going to the smaller_child node, then
* going to the end of the larger_child descendant chain.
int FindNextNode( node )
int node;
 int next;

 next = tree[ node ].smaller_child;
 while ( tree [ next ].larger_child != UNUSED )
  next = tree[ next ].larger_child;
 return( next );

* This routine performs the classic binary tree deletion algorithm.
* If the node to be deleted has a null link in either direction, we
* just pull the non-null link up one to replace the existing link.
* If both links exist, we instead delete the next link in order, which
* is guaranteed to have a null link, then replace the node to be deleted
* with the next link.
void DeleteString( p )
int p;
 int replacement;
 if ( tree[ p ].parent == UNUSED )
 if ( tree[ p ].larger_child == UNUSED )
  ContractNode( p, tree [ p ].smaller_child );
 else if (tree[ p ].smaller_child == UNUSED )
  ContractNode( p , tree[ p ].larger_child );
 else {
  replacement = FindNextNode( p );
  DeleteString( replacement );
  ReplaceNode( p , replacement );

* This is where most of the work done by the encoder takes place. This
* routine is responsible for adding the new node to the binary tree.
* It also has to find the best match among all the existing nodes in
* the tree, and return that to the calling routine. To make mattes
* even more complicated, if the new_node has a duplicate in the tree,
* the old_node is deleted, for reasons of efficiency.

int AddString( new_node, match_position )
int new_node;
int *match_position;
 int i;
 int test_node;
 int delta;
 int match_length;
 int *child;

 if ( new_node == END_OF_STREAM )
  return( 0 ) ;
 test_node = tree[ TREE_ROOT ].larger_child;
 match_length = 0;
 for ( ; ; ) {
  for ( i = 0 ; i < LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ; i++ ) {
  delta = window[ MOD_WINDOW( new_node + 1 ) ] -
      window[ MOD_WINDOW( test_node + i ) ];
  if ( delta != 0 )
 if ( i >= match_length ) {
  match_length = i;
  *match_position = test_node;
  if ( match_length >= LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ) {
   ReplaceNode( test_node, new_node );
   return( match_length );
 if ( delta >= 0 )
  child = &tree[ test_node ].larger_child;
  child = &tree[ test_node ].smaller_child;
 if ( *child == UNUSED ) {
  *child = new_node;
  tree[ new_node].parent = test_node;
  tree[ new_node].larger_child = UNUSED;
  tree[ new_node].smaller_child = UNUSED;
  return( match_length );
  test_node = *child;

* This section of code and data makes up the blocked I/O portion of the
* program. Every token output consists of a single flag bit, followed
* by either a single character or a index/length pair. The flag bits
* are stored in the first byte of a buffer array, and the characters
* and index/length pairs are stored sequentially in the remaining
* positions in the array. After every eight output operations, the
* first character of the array is full of flag bits, so the remaining
* bytes stored in the array can be output. This can be done with a
* single fwrite() operation, making for greater efficiency.
* All that is needed to implement this is a few routines, plus three
* data objects, which follow below. The buffer has the flag bits
* packed into its first character, with the remainder consisting of
* the characters and index/length pairs, appearing in the order they
* were output. The FlagBitMask is used to indicate where the next
* flag bit will go when packed into DataBuffer[ 0 ]. Finally, the
* BufferOffset is used to indicate where the next token will be stored
* in the buffer.

char DataBuffer[ 17 ];
int FlagBitMask;
int BufferOffset;

* To initialize the output buffer, we set the FlagBitMask to the first
* bit position, can clear DataBuffer[0], which will hold all the
* Flag bits. Finally, the BufferOffset is set to 1, which is where the
* first character or index/length pair will go.

void InitOutputBuffer()
 DataBuffer[ 0 ] = 0;
 FlagBitMask = 1;
 BufferOffset = 1;

* This routine is called during one of two different situations. First,
* it can potentially be called right after a character or a length/index
* pair is added to the DataBuffer[]. If the position of the bit in the
* FlagBitMask indicates that it is full, the output routine calls this
* routine to flush data into the output file, and reset the output
* variables to their initial state. The other time this routine is
* called is when the compression routine is ready to exit. If there is
* any data in the buffer at that time, it needs to the flushed.
* Note that this routine checks carefully to be sure that it doesn't
* ever write out more data than was in the original uncompressed file.
* It returns a 0 if this happens, which filters back to the compression
* program, so that it can abort if this happens.

int FlushOutputBuffer()
 if ( BufferOffset == 1 )
  return( 1 );
 Header.compressed_size += BufferOffset;
 if ( ( Header.compressed_size ) >= Header.original_size )
  return( 0 );
 if ( fwrite( DataBuffer, 1, BufferOffset, OutputCarFile )
   !=BufferOffset )
   FatalError( "Error writing compressed data to CAR file" );
 return( 1 );

* This routine adds a single character to the output buffer. In this
* case, the flag bit is set, indicating that the next character is an
* uncompressed byte. After setting the flag and storing the byte,
* the flag bit is shifted over, and checked. If it turns out that all
* eight bits in the flag bit character are used up, then we have to
* flush the buffer and reinitialize the data. Note that if the
* FlushOutputBuffer() routine detects that the output has grown larger
* than the input, it returns a 0 back to the calling routine.

int OutputChar( data )
int data;
 DataBuffer[ BufferOffset++ ] = (char) data;
 DataBuffer[ 0 ] |= FlagBitMask;
 FlagBitMask <<= 1;
 if ( FlagBitMask == 0x100 )
  return( FlushOutputBuffer() );
  return( 1 );

* This routine is called to output a 12-bit position pointer and a 4-bit
* length. The 4-bit length is shifted to the top four bits of the first
* of two DataBuffer[] characters. The lower four bits contain the upper
* four bits of the 12-bit position index. The next of the two DataBuffer
* characters gets the lower eight bits of the position index. After
* all that work to store those 16 bits, the FlagBitMask is shifted over,
* and checked to see if we have used up all our bits. If we have,
* the output buffer is flushed, and the output data elements are reset.
* If the FlushOutputBuffer routine detects that the output file has
* grown too large, it passes and error return back via this routine,
* so that it can abort.

int OutputPair( position, length )
int position;
int length;
 DataBuffer[ BufferOffset ] = (char) ( length << 4 );
 DataBuffer[ BufferOffest++ ] |= ( position >> 8 );
 DataBuffer[ BufferOffset++ ] = (char) ( position & Oxff );
 FlagBitMask <<= 1;
 if ( FlagBitMask == 0x100 )
  return( FlushOutputBuffer() );
  return( 1 );

* The input process uses the same data structures as the blocked output
* routines, but it is somewhat simpler, in that it doesn't actually have
* to read in a whole block of data at once. Instead, it just reads in
* a single character full of flag bits into DataBuffer[0], and passes
* individual bits back to the Expansion program when asked for them.
* The expansion program is left to its own devices for reading in the
* characters, indices, and match lengths. They can be read in
* sequentially using normal file I/0.
void InitInputBuffer()
 FlagBitMask = 1;
 DataBuffer[ 0 ] = (char) getc( InputCarFile );

* When the Expansion program wants a flag bit, it calls this routine.
* This routine has to keep track of whether or not it has run out of
* flag bits. If it has, it has to go back and reinitialize so as to
* have a fresh set.

int InputBit()
 if ( FlagBitMask == 0x00 )
 FlagBitMask <<= 1;
 return( DataBuffer[ 0 ] & ( FlagBitMask >> 1 ) );

* This is the compression routine. It has to first load up the look
* ahead buffer, then go into the main compression loop. The main loop
* decides whether to output a single character or an index/length
* token that defines a phrase. Once the character or phrase has been
* sent out, another loop has to run. The second loop reads in new
* characters, deletes the strings that are overwritten by the new
* character, then adds the strings that are created by the new
* character. While running it has the additional responsibility of
* creating the checksum of the input data, and checking for when the
* output data grows too large. The program returns a success or failure
* indicator. It also has to update the original_crc and compressed_size
* elements in Header data structure.

int LZSSCompress( input_text_file )
FILE *input_text_file;
 int i;
 int c;
 int look_ahead_bytes;
 int current_position;
 int replace_count;
 int match_length;
 int match_position;
 Header.compressed_size = 0;
 Header.original_crc = CRC_MASK;

 current_position = 1;
 for ( i = 0 ; i < LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ; i++ ) {
   if ( ( c = getc( input_text_file ) ) == EOF )
   window[ current_position + i ] = (unsigned char) c;
   Header.original_crc = UpdateCharacterCRC32( Header.original_crc, c );
 look_ahead_bytes = i;
 InitTree( current_position );
 match_length = 0;
 match_position = 0;
 while ( look_ahead_bytes > 0 ) {
  if ( match_length > look_ahead_bytes )
   match_length = look_ahead_bytes;
  if ( match_length <= BREAK_EVEN ) {
   replace_count = 1;
   if ( ! OutputChar( window[ current_position ] ) )
    return( 0 );
  } else {
   if ( !OutputPair( match_position, match_length -
                     ( BREAK_EVEN + 1 ) ) )
    return( 0 ):
   replace_count = match_length;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < replace_count ; i++ ) {
   DeleteString( MOD_WINDOW( current_position + LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ) );
   if ( ( c = getc( input_text_file ) ) == EOF ) {
    look ahead bytes--;
   } else {
    Header.original_crc =
     UpdateCharacterCRC32( Header.original_crc, c );
    window[ MOD_WINDOW( current_position + LOOK_AHEAD_SIZE ) ] =
       (unsigned char) c;
   current_position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
   if ( current_position == 0 )
    putc( '.', stderr );
   if ( look_ahead_bytes )
    match_length = AddString( current_position, &match_position );
 Header.original_crc ^= CRC_MASK;
 return( FlushOutputBuffer() );

* This is the expansion routine for the LZSS algorithm. All it has to do
* is read in flag bits, decide whether to read in a character or a
* index/length pair, and take the appropriate action. It is responsible
* for keeping track of the crc of the output data, and must return it
* to the calling routine, for verification.

unsigned long LZSSExpand( output )
FILE *output;
 int i;
 int current_position;
 int c;
 int match_length;
 int match_position;
 unsigned long crc;
 unsigned long output_count;

 output_count = 0;
 crc = CRC_MASK;
 current_position = 1;
 while ( output_count < Header.original_size ) {
  if ( InputBit() ) {
   c = getc( InputCarFile );
   putc( c, output );
   crc = UpdateCharacterCRC32( crc, c );
   window[ current_position ] = (unsigned char) c;
   current_position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
   if ( current_position == 0 && output != stdout )
    putc( '.', stderr );
  } else {
   match_length = getc( InputCarFile );
   match_position = getc( InputCarFile );
   match_position |= (match_length & Oxf ) << 8;
   match_length >>= 4; match_length += BREAK_EVEN;
   output_count += match_length + 1;
   for ( i = 0 ; i <= match_length ; i++ ) {
    c = window[ MOD_WINDOW( match_position + i ) ];
    putc( c, output );
    crc = UpdateCharacterCRC32( crc, c );
    window[ current_position ] = (unsigned char) c;
    current_position = MOD_WINDOW( current_position + 1 );
    if ( current_position == 0 && output != stdout )
     putc( '.', stderr );
 return( crc ^ CRC_MASK );
/*************************** End of CARMAN.C ***************************/

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