FreeBSD Device Driver Writer's Guide : Supported Busses : PCI -- Peripheral Computer Interconnect : Data Structures
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3.3.1. Data Structures

struct pci_device Structure

name: The short device name.

probe: Checks if the driver can support a device with this type. The tag may be used to get more info with pci_read_conf(). See below. It returns a string with the device's name, or a NULL pointer, if the driver cannot support this device.

attach: Allocate a control structure and prepare it. This function may use the PCI mapping functions. See below. (configuration id) or type.

count: A pointer to a unit counter. It's used by the PCI configurator to allocate unit numbers.

FreeBSD Device Driver Writer's Guide : Supported Busses : PCI -- Peripheral Computer Interconnect : Data Structures
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