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Useful Microsoft Resource Kit Utilities

The Microsoft Resource Kit comes in two flavors. The first is the Microsoft Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit and includes information common to both Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server. The second is the Windows NT Server Resource Kit and includes additional information and tools specific to Windows NT Server. What this means is that you really need to purchase both Resource Kits to get the most out of Windows NT Server. Some of the tools that I find useful are summarized in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5 Useful Resource Kit utilities.

Application Batch Tool Server Resource Description
Name Kit only
ASSOCIATE.EXE Y N Adds file type associations.
ADDUSERS.EXE Y N Adds or deletes users to your system using a comma-delimited file.
AUTOEXNT.EXE Y N Executes a batch file, called autoexnt.bat, at system startup without logging on to the system.
BROWMON.EXE N Y Displays the browse masters found on the network. A browse master is responsible for maintaining the lists of computers and shared resources on the network.
BROWSTAT.EXE Y Y Provides similar results as the BROWMON.EXE utility, but is a command-line utility instead of a GUI utility.
C2CONFIG.EXE N N Compares the security of your current configuration to the government’s C2 security level. This tool can also be used to tighten up your security and configure your system to conform to the C2 security level.
CHOICE.EXE Y N Allows a user to respond to a prompt within a batch file.
COMPREG.EXE Y N A command-line utility to compare two different registry keys (local or remote) for differences.
DELSRV.EXE Y N Unregisters a service.
DHCPCMD.EXE Y Y A command-line utility to modify a DHCP server.
DIRUSE.EXE Y N A command-line utility to determine the amount of disk storage in use on a per-directory basis.
DISKPROBE.EXE N N A disk sector editor.
DISKSAVE.EXE Y N A utility to save the master boot record (MBR) of a hard disk.
DNSSRV.EXE Y N A command-line utility to monitor the statistics of a DNS server.
DOMMON.EXE N Y A utility to monitor the status of your Windows NT domain.
DUMPEL.EXE Y N A command-line utility to dump a local or remote Windows NT computer’s event log to a tab-separated file.
GRPCPY.EXE Y Y Copies the users from one group to another group.
IFMEMBER.EXE Y Y Determines if a user is a member of a specified group.
INSTSRV.EXE Y N Installs or uninstalls services on a local computer.
KERNPROF.EXE Y N A kernel mode profiler.
KILL.EXE Y N A command-line utility to kill an errant task.
KIX32.EXE Y Y An enhanced logon or batch file script processor for Windows 95 clients.
LOCAL.EXE Y N A command-line utility to display users in local groups on a local or remote Windows NT computer.
LOGEVENT.EXE Y N A command-line utility to add an event to a local or remote computer’s event log.
NETSVC.EXE Y Y Provides the ability to stop or start a remote Windows NT computer’s services.
PATHMAN.EXE Y N A command-line utility to add or remove components from a local or remote Windows NT computer’s system or user paths.
PERMCOPY.EXE Y N Copies share level permissions from one share to another.
RCMD.EXE Y Y Remote shell service and client to allow you to execute command-line applications on a remote computer.
REGBACK.EXE Y N A command-line utility to back up the registry to a file.
REGCHG.EXE Y N A command-line utility to add or modify a local or remote registry key.
REGDEL.EXE Y N A command-line utility to delete a local or remote registry key.
REGREST.EXE Y N A command-line utility to restore the registry.
REGSEC.EXE Y N Removes the Everyone groups from a registry key.
ROBOCOPY.EXE Y N A command-line utility to automate the duplication of directory trees.
RSHSVC.EXE Y Y A Windows NT implementation of the TCP/IP RSH (Remote Shell) service.
SAVEKEY.EXE Y N A command-line utility to save a registry key to a file.
SCOPY.EXE Y N Command-line utility to copy files from an NTFS volume to another NTFS volume with full security settings intact.
SETX.EXE Y N Command-line utility to add environment strings to the system or user environment.
TIMESRV.EXE Y Y An automated utility to set the system time.
SHUTDOWN.EXE Y N Command-line utility to shut down a local or remote Windows NT computer.
SLEEP.EXE Y N A command-line utility to pause the execution of a batch file for a specified length of time.
USRTOGRP.EXE Y N Adds users to groups.
WINAT.EXE N N A GUI interface to the Windows NT scheduler service.
WINSCHK.EXE Y N Check the WINS database for consistency.
WINSDMP.EXE Y Y Dump the WINS database to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.


This chapter focuses on the tools and techniques you can use to monitor the status of your computer or to optimize the performance of your computer. This chapter demonstrates how to isolate specific processor, memory, and storage bottlenecks by utilizing programs specifically designed to illustrate these points. While these demonstrations are based on simulations, the techniques can be used in the real world to find the bottlenecks that occur on your server.

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