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QTextDrag Class Reference

The QTextDrag provides a drag-and-drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text. More...

#include <qdragobject.h>

Inherits QDragObject.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QTextDrag provides a drag-and-drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text.

Plain text is single- or multi-line 8-bit text in the local encoding.

Qt provides no built-in mechanism for delivering only single-line.

Drag&Drop text does not have a NUL terminator when it is dropped onto the target.

For detailed information about drag-and-drop, see the QDragObject class.

Member Function Documentation

QTextDrag::QTextDrag ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Creates a default text drag object. dragSource must be the drag source, name is the object name.

QTextDrag::QTextDrag ( const QString & text, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 )

Creates a text drag object and sets it to text. dragSource must be the drag source, name is the object name.

QTextDrag::~QTextDrag ()

Destroys the text drag object and frees all allocated resources.

bool QTextDrag::canDecode ( const QMimeSource * e ) [static]

Returns TRUE if the information in e can be decoded into a QString.

See also: decode().

bool QTextDrag::decode ( const QMimeSource * e, QString & str ) [static]

Attempts to decode the dropped information in e into str, returning TRUE if successful.

See also: canDecode().

bool QTextDrag::decode ( const QMimeSource * e, QString & str, QCString & subtype ) [static]

Attempts to decode the dropped information in e into str, returning TRUE if successful. If subtype is null, any text subtype is accepted, otherwise only that specified is accepted. subtype is set to the accepted subtype.

See also: canDecode().

void QTextDrag::setSubtype ( const QCString & st ) [virtual]

Sets the MIME subtype of the text begin dragged. The default subtype is "plain", this the default MIME type of the text is "text/plain". You might use this to declare that the text is "text/html" by calling setSubtype("html").

void QTextDrag::setText ( const QString & text ) [virtual]

Sets the text to be dragged. You will need to call this if you did not pass the text during construction.

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