14.3 Standard Colormaps

Applications with color palettes, smooth-shaded drawings, or digitized images demand large numbers of colors. In addition, these applications often require an efficient mapping from color triples to pixel values that display the appropriate colors.

As an example, consider a three-dimensional display program that wants to draw a smoothly shaded sphere. At each pixel in the image of the sphere, the program computes the intensity and color of light reflected back to the viewer. The result of each computation is a triple of RGB coefficients in the range 0.0 to 1.0. To draw the sphere, the program needs a colormap that provides a large range of uniformly distributed colors. The colormap should be arranged so that the program can convert its RGB triples into pixel values very quickly, because drawing the entire sphere requires many such conversions.

On many current workstations, the display is limited to 256 or fewer colors. Applications must allocate colors carefully, not only to make sure they cover the entire range they need but also to make use of as many of the available colors as possible. On a typical X display, many applications are active at once. Most workstations have only one hardware look-up table for colors, so only one application colormap can be installed at a given time. The application using the installed colormap is displayed correctly, and the other applications go technicolor and are displayed with false colors.

As another example, consider a user who is running an image processing program to display earth-resources data. The image processing program needs a colormap set up with 8 reds, 8 greens, and 4 blues, for a total of 256 colors. Because some colors are already in use in the default colormap, the image processing program allocates and installs a new colormap.

The user decides to alter some of the colors in the image by invoking a color palette program to mix and choose colors. The color palette program also needs a colormap with eight reds, eight greens, and four blues, so just like the image processing program, it must allocate and install a new colormap.

Because only one colormap can be installed at a time, the color palette may be displayed incorrectly whenever the image processing program is active. Conversely, whenever the palette program is active, the image may be displayed incorrectly. The user can never match or compare colors in the palette and image. Contention for colormap resources can be reduced if applications with similar color needs share colormaps.

The image processing program and the color palette program could share the same colormap if there existed a convention that described how the colormap was set up. Whenever either program was active, both would be displayed correctly.

The standard colormap properties define a set of commonly used colormaps. Applications that share these colormaps and conventions display true colors more often and provide a better interface to the user.

Standard colormaps allow applications to share commonly used color resources. This allows many applications to be displayed in true colors simultaneously, even when each application needs an entirely filled colormap.

Several standard colormaps are described in this section. Usually, a window manager creates these colormaps. Applications should use the standard colormaps if they already exist.

To allocate an XStandardColormap structure, use XAllocStandardColormap().

The XStandardColormap structure contains:

/* Hints */

#define ReleaseByFreeingColormap	( (XID) 1L)

/* Values */

typedef struct {
	Colormap colormap;
	unsigned long red_max;
	unsigned long red_mult;
	unsigned long green_max;
	unsigned long green_mult;
	unsigned long blue_max;
	unsigned long blue_mult;
	unsigned long base_pixel;
	VisualID visualid;
	XID killid;
} XStandardColormap;

The colormap member is the colormap created by the XCreateColormap() function. The red_max, green_max, and blue_maxmembers give the maximum red, green, and blue values, respectively. Each color coefficient ranges from zero to its max, inclusive. For example, a common colormap allocation is 3/3/2 (3 planes for red, 3 planes for green, and 2 planes for blue). This colormap would have red_max = 7, green_max = 7, and blue_max = 3. An alternate allocation that uses only 216 colors is red_max = 5, green_max = 5, and blue_max = 5.

The red_mult, green_mult, and blue_multmembers give the scale factors used to compose a full pixel value. (See the discussion of the base_pixel members for further information.) For a 3/3/2 allocation, red_mult might be 32, green_mult might be 4, and blue_mult might be 1. For a 6-colors-each allocation, red_mult might be 36, green_mult might be 6, and blue_mult might be 1.

The base_pixel member gives the base pixel value used to compose a full pixel value. Usually, the base_pixel is obtained from a call to the XAllocColorPlanes() function. Given integer red, green, and blue coefficients in their appropriate ranges, one then can compute a corresponding pixel value by using the following expression:

(r * red_mult + g * green_mult + b * blue_mult + base_pixel) & 0xFFFFFFFF

For GrayScale colormaps, only the colormap, red_max, red_mult, and base_pixel members are defined. The other members are ignored. To compute a GrayScale pixel value, use the following expression:

(gray * red_mult + base_pixel) & 0xFFFFFFFF

Negative multipliers can be represented by converting the 2's complement representation of the multiplier into an unsigned long and storing the result in the appropriate _mult field. The step of masking by 0xFFFFFFFF effectively converts the resulting positive multiplier into a negative one. The masking step will take place automatically on many machine architectures, depending on the size of the integer type used to do the computation,

The visualid member gives the ID number of the visual from which the colormap was created. The killid member gives a resource ID that indicates whether the cells held by this standard colormap are to be released by freeing the colormap ID or by calling the XKillClient() function on the indicated resource. (Note that this method is necessary for allocating out of an existing colormap.)

The properties containing the XStandardColormap information have the type RGB_COLOR_MAP.

The remainder of this section discusses standard colormap properties and atoms as well as how to manipulate standard colormaps.

Next: Standard Colormap Properties and Atoms

Christophe Tronche, ch.tronche@computer.org