

void XrmQPutResource(database, bindings, quarks, type, value)
     XrmDatabase *database;
     XrmBindingList bindings;
     XrmQuarkList quarks;
     XrmRepresentation type;
     XrmValue *value;


database Specifies the resource database.
bindings Specifies a list of bindings.
quarks Specifies the complete or partial name or the class list of the resource.
type Specifies the type of the resource.
value Specifies the value of the resource, which is specified as a string.


If database contains NULL, XrmQPutResource() creates a new database and returns a pointer to it. If a resource entry with the identical bindings and quarks already exists in the database, the previous type and value are replaced by the new specified type and value. The value is stored in the database without modification.

See also

XrmGetResource(), XrmInitialize(), XrmMergeDatabases(), XrmPutLineResource(), XrmPutStringResource(), XrmQPutResource(), XrmQPutStringResource(), XrmUniqueQuark(), "Storing Into a Resource Database".
Christophe Tronche, ch.tronche@computer.org